Potteric Carr wildlife sightings

Potteric Carr wildlife sightings

Daily wildlife sightings at Potteric Carr Nature Reserve

Please send sightings and photos to  pottericsightings@gmail.com

Link to 2019 sightings

Moth Reports

Moth Trapping Report for Thursday Night, 15th November 2018

Overnight it had been very mild for mid-November and, as a consequence, there were a good number of moths in the trap on Friday morning. The vast majority of these were December Moths, an astonishing total of 43 of them! The species count was 13, of which 4, specifically Northern Winter Moth, Autumnal Moth, Scarce Umber and Mottled Umber, were additions to the 2018 list.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

December moth © Derek Parker

December moth © Derek Parker

Scarce umber © Derek Parker

Scarce umber © Derek Parker

Northern winter moth © Derek Parker

Northern winter moth © Derek Parker

Autumnal moth © Derek Parker

Autumnal moth © Derek Parker

Mottled Umber © Derek Parker

Mottled Umber © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 5th November 2018

Once into November, moth numbers and variety will inevitably be much reduced. Nevertheless, we had a decent total of 11 species, including the first December Moths of the year. A single Dark Sword-grass, a migrant species was unexpected. The remainder of the catch comprised species one would expect to see in late autumn/early winter, specifically Large Wainscot, Feathered Thorn, Brick, Barred Sallow, Acleris rhombana, Red-line Quaker, Silver Y, Scrobipalpa costella and a November Moth species.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

December Moth © Janet Heppenstall

December Moth © Janet Heppenstall

Large Wainscot © Janet Heppenstall

Large Wainscot © Janet Heppenstall

Dark Sword-grass © Janet Heppenstall

Dark Sword-grass © Janet Heppenstall

Orange Sallow Moth

On 1 September, we trapped a single Tiliacea citrago Orange Sallow, which was a new reserve record. These facts were reported in the blog report on the moth trapping but the photographs taken at the time were not yet available to post alongside the text. We are pleased to say that we now have a photograph of the Orange Sallow, which indicates just how attractive this moth is.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Orange sallow © Sue and Brian Trout

Orange sallow © Sue and Brian Trout

Stigmella tiliae -  A New Potteric Carr Moth Record

I have been targeting potential new Nepticulid leaf-mine records recently and had some success but Stigmella tiliae was one I had searched for, on the Lime trees along the Access Track, on a number of occasions, without managing to find any mines. Finally, on the morning of 10 October, I spotted several mines in a single, half-hidden, leaf (see photograph). If I had researched the species more thoroughly before I’d begun looking for mines, I would have known that it prefers to lay its eggs in deep shade, hence mines are only found in the shadiest parts of the Lime trees. I had wasted time searching on the sunny sides!

Stigmella tiliae is best known from ancient woodlands containing Small-leaved Lime but it will also lay on planted Common Limes, such as those at Potteric Carr. The national status of this species is ‘Local’ and that definition can certainly be applied in Yorkshire, where the moth is very thinly distributed, with only 18 confirmed sites in the whole county.   

Ian Heppenstall 

Stigmella tiliae leaf-mine © Derek Parker

Stigmella tiliae leaf-mine © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Wednesday Night, 10th October 2018

A large Hornet had invaded the trap and killed and eaten a few of the moths, which was frustrating but hardly a new problem. It was very carefully removed. Of the moths remaining, 22 species were identified, none of them new reserve records but 5 were seen for the first time this year: November Moth; Feathered Thorn; Yellow-line Quaker; Chestnut; The Satellite and Green-brindled Crescent. Phyllonorycter messaniella was again recorded.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

The Satellite © Derek Parker

The Satellite © Derek Parker

Green-brindled Crescent © Derek Parker

Green-brindled Crescent © Derek Parker

Feathered Thorn © Derek Parker

Feathered Thorn © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Thursday Night, 4th October 2018

Following a mild night, a healthy total of 26 moth species was recorded. Whilst there was nothing particularly outstanding, two species were recorded for only the second time. First trapped in 2017, Ypsolopha sylvella is only thinly recorded across Yorkshire. It is an oak associate. Phyllonorycter messaniella was first recorded in 2010. It, too, is an oak-feeding species and is quite common across Yorkshire and adjoining counties. Although it will use deciduous oak, its preferred foodplant is evergreen or holm oak, which is absent from Potteric Carr, hence its scarcity here.

Barred Sallow, Brick and Acleris sparsana were the first of these autumn species seen, so far, this year.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

Stigmella ulmivora - A New Potteric Carr Moth Record

This is another new leaf-mine record. The mine was discovered on 21 September. Stigmella ulmivora is a nationally local Nepticulid moth, the larva of which mines the leaves of elm. The species is fairly widespread in Yorkshire and not uncommon in the south of VC63. Stigmella ulmivora is the 20th new moth record so far this year.

Ian Heppenstall

Stigmella ulmivora leaf-mine © Derek Parker

Stigmella ulmivora leaf-mine © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Tuesday Night, 25th September 2018

The night had been cooler than originally forecast and, consequently, both number and variety of moths were disappointing. The catch comprised 15 species, many of which had already been observed this autumn, such as Large Wainscot, Black Rustic, Treble-bar, Rosy Rustic, Lunar Underwing and Red-line Quaker. Single Scrobipalpa costella and Mompha raschkiella were thought to be the first of those species observed, so far, this year.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

Large wainscot © Derek Parker

Large wainscot © Derek Parker

Treble-bar © Derek Parker

Treble-bar © Derek Parker

Straw dot © Derek Parker

Straw dot © Derek Parker

Lunar underwing © Derek Parker

Lunar underwing © Derek Parker

Further Recent Additions to the Potteric Carr Moth List

1. Epinotia cinereana

Harry Beaumont contacted me recently to say that he had just dissected the genitalia of a male Epinotia cinereana, trapped at Potteric on 7 August. Epinotia cinereana is closely allied to the more common Epinotia nisella and, for a long time until relatively recently, was considered to be merely a form of E. nisella. This was despite clear differences in the genitalia having been published nearly 100 years ago. The wing markings are also slightly different. In particular, the black or reddish blotches often seen on E. nisella are absent from E. cinereana, which is wholly greyish.

The Potteric record of Epinotia cinereana is significant as it is only the second Yorkshire record (the first was more than 100 years ago!) and is new to VC63.

2. Stigmella sakhalinella

On 29 August, I collected a few birch leaves containing Nepticulid mines, one of which I keyed out to Stigmella sakhalinella. Charles Fletcher, one of the County Recorders, subsequently confirmed my identification. Stigmella sakhalinella was first discovered in Yorkshire as recently as 2010 and there are, as yet, very few confirmed locations for this species in the county.

The larvae of S. sakhalinella, as with almost all Nepticulids, are leaf-miners and the mines are often the easiest way to identify these tiny moths as the adult moths tend to be very similar in appearance. The accompanying photograph of the Potteric S. sakhalinella mine illustrates one common form of Nepticulid mine, the ‘serpentine mine’. Other species may have ‘blotch’ mines or a combination of ‘serpentine’ and ‘blotch’. The layout of the’frass’ (caterpillar poo!) is often significant in species identification.

3. Ectoedemia arcuatella

This was another leaf-mine discovery and a very surprising one.Ectoedemia arcuatella is a Nepticulid moth, the larva of which mines the leaves of wild strawberry. A single mine of this species was found on 11 September. Confirmation of identification was again provided by Charles Fletcher.

The mines of this species begin as a highly contorted gallery, later leading abruptly to a blotch, which frequently envelops and obscures the earlier gallery (see photograph of the Potteric mine). This is a single-brooded species which flies in June/July.

The Potteric discovery is significant, being only the second modern Yorkshire record and new to VC63.

Ian Heppenstall

Stigmella sakhalinella (leaf mine) © Derek Parker

Stigmella sakhalinella (leaf mine) © Derek Parker

Ectoedemia arcuatella (leaf mine) © Derek Parker

Ectoedemia arcuatella (leaf mine) © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 17th September 2018

Despite a very mild night and a modest southerly breeze, when we checked the trap on Tuesday morning there were surprisingly few moths to be seen and most of those were common species.

There was, however, a single Endothenia quadrimaculana. This was pleasing, as this Tortricid moth is a scarce species in Yorkshire, recorded only once previously at Potteric Carr, way back in 1995. Its principal foodplant, Marsh Woundwort, is present on the reserve but very localised.

Records of two autumnal species, Black Rustic and Beaded Chestnut, were the first, so far, this year. Black Rustic is recorded annually but there are very few Potteric records of Beaded Chestnut. At one time, Beaded Chestnut could be seen plentifully across South Yorkshire but this is a species in serious decline both nationally and locally.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont and Janet Heppenstall

Black rustic © Derek Parker

Black rustic © Derek Parker

Light emerald © Derek Parker

Light emerald © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 10th September 2018

Following on from a mild but rather wet night, we all gathered around the trap to examine the catch. Once again, we were fortunate enough to discover another moth that was new to Potteric Carr, a single Cryptoblabes bistriga, although identification was not confirmed until Harry was able to examine the moth properly at home.

Cryptoblabes bistriga is a Pyralid moth with a national status of ‘Local’ and, in Yorkshire, although it has been recorded from all Vice-Counties, it is very scarce throughout. It is associated mainly with oak, although the larvae will occasionally feed on the leaves of other deciduous trees. In view of the relative paucity of Yorkshire records, this was a decent discovery.

Otherwise, the moths that we trapped were, by and large, those typically found in autumn. Records of Lunar Underwing, Pink-barred Sallow and Red-line Quaker were the first for 2018. Phyllonorycter messaniella was trapped for only the second time on the reserve; the first record was in 2010.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Ypsolopha sequella © Derek Parker

Ypsolopha sequella © Derek Parker

Frosted orange © Derek Parker

Frosted orange © Derek Parker

Pinion-streaked snout © Derek Parker

Pinion-streaked snout © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Saturday Night, 1st September 2018

Although the total number of species trapped (35) was modest, there were, nevertheless, some interesting records. Most notable amongst these was a single Orange Sallow (Tiliacea citrago), which is a new reserve record. The larvae of the Orange Sallow feed upon Lime, which probably accounts for its previous absence on the reserve, as Lime trees are few in number at Potteric Carr, although those that do exist have been established now for many years. The attractively coloured moth is thinly distributed across Yorkshire.

Another notable species was the Autumnal Rustic which is rare indeed at Potteric Carr, the last record being as long ago as 1974! This is a moth in severe decline nationally and, in Yorkshire, this is particularly so in lowland parts of the county.

Orange Sallow and Autumnal Rustic typically fly in late August, through September and the presence of Brindled Green, The Sallow, Centre-barred Sallow, Large Wainscot and Acleris emargana amongst the trap contents continued this autumnal feel.

The warm weekend weather had obviously encouraged some moth migration, which led to the appearance of a single Dark Sword-grass, a common autumn migrant species.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont and Janet Heppenstall


The larvae of the Nepticulidae, the smallest of the micro-moths, mine the leaves or, occasionally, the seeds or stems of various trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. These mines are often distinctive and, in many cases, the moths can be identified from their larval mines. Searching for leaf-mines in summer and, more especially, in autumn is often the easiest way to record the Nepticulidae.

On 16 August, I came across a birch leaf with no less than 6 vacated or aborted Nepticulid mines that were clearly of the same species. Despite spending time trying to figure out which of 2 possible species was responsible, I needed the help of Dr Charles Fletcher, the County Macro-moth Recorder, who also happens to have a lot of experience in identifying Yorkshire’s Nepticulid mines. I was grateful that he was able to confirm my own tentative view that the species concerned was Stigmella continuella, which is an addition to the Potteric Carr moth list.  

Ian Heppenstall

Moth Trapping Report for Sunday Night, 19th August 2018

There were plenty of moths to examine and identify but, in the end, there was nothing new or especially noteworthy to report. Now is a time of year when you do still get plenty of moths but now we are past the peak, variety starts to decline and duplication tends to be high. Hence, we trapped 37 Setaceous Hebrew Character, 23 Large Yellow Underwing, 18 Vine’s Rustic and 19 Argyresthia goedartella.

Singles of Red Underwing, Poplar Hawk, Copper Underwing, Triple-spotted Pug, Lime-speck Pug, Small Phoenix, Agriphila selasella, Parornix devoniella, Prays fraxinella and Eudemis profundana were recorded. Plus, there were a few early autumnal species, including Dusky Thorn, Centre-barred Sallow, Large Wainscot and Rosy Rustic. The total number of species recorded was 68.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Argyresthia goedartella © Derek Parker

Argyresthia goedartella © Derek Parker

Rosy Rustic © Derek Parker

Rosy Rustic © Derek Parker

Flounced Rustic © Derek Parker

Flounced Rustic © Derek Parker

Canary-shouldered Thorn © Derek Parker

Canary-shouldered Thorn © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Tuesday Night, 7th August 2018

There were plenty of moths awaiting our attention when we began emptying the trap on Wednesday morning. The final species total came to 75, probably about average for a trapping session in early August. There were plenty of duplicates, for example 14 Lesser Swallow Prominent and 26 Argyresthia  goedartella.

The star find was Phycitodes maritima, a small Pyralid and a new species for Potteric Carr, the 12th new moth record, so far, in 2018. Phycitodes maritima has a national status of ‘Local’ and, in Yorkshire, is described as a ‘scarce and local resident’. As the name ‘maritima’ implies, it tends to be most frequent in coastal locations and that is certainly the case in Yorkshire. The larvae of this species feed on yarrow and ragwort.

Other moths of interest included Monopis weaverella, Epermenia falciformis, Agriphila selasella, Maple Pug, Triple-spotted Pug, Bordered Beauty, Pinion-streaked Snout and Large Ear.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont and Janet Heppenstall

Pinion-streaked snout © Derek Parker

Pinion-streaked snout © Derek Parker

Pale-streak grass-veneer (Agriphila selasella) © Derek Parker

Pale-streak grass-veneer (Agriphila selasella) © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Tuesday Night, 31st July 2018

The one night we were able to trap this week just happened to be the coldest night of the week and it came as no surprise that moth numbers and variety were well below average for an end of July date.

Euzophera pinguis, Evergestis pallidata, Maiden’s Blush and Twin-spotted Wainscot were, perhaps, the only noteworthy moths amongst the 57 species recorded.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

The crescent © Derek Parker

The crescent © Derek Parker

The crescent © Derek Parker

The crescent © Derek Parker

Gold spot © Derek Parker

Gold spot © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Tuesday Night, 24th July 2018

A total of 79 species were trapped, which is below average for the time of year. However, the catch did include one moth that stood out from the rest, a third VC63 record of Ypsolopha horridella, yet another new record for Potteric Carr.

Ypsolopha horridella is classified as Nationally Scarce B. The larva of this species feeds on apple and blackthorn, both of which are present on the reserve and it seems quite possible, therefore, that the moth is becoming established at Potteric Carr. This is another species which has spread northwards from its stronghold in south-eastern England. So, this was a very pleasing discovery.

There was little else of note to report. Crescent, Buff Footman, Maiden’s Blush and Maple Pug were, perhaps, the best of the rest.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont and Janet Heppenstall

Maiden's blush © Derek Parker

Maiden's blush © Derek Parker

Ancylis badiana © Derek Parker

Ancylis badiana © Derek Parker

Iron prominent © Derek Parker

Iron prominent © Derek Parker

Sallow kitten © Derek Parker

Sallow kitten © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Saturday Night, 7th July 2018

At last! For the first time this year, we trapped in excess of 100 different moths, the final total reaching 105 species.

Once again we have a new species to report. A moth, which initially was unidentified at the trap site and which Ian subsequently examined at home, has been tentatively identified as Phtheochroa inopiana. Phtheochroa inopiana is a large, brownish Tortricid associated with Fleabane. It is rare and local in Yorkshire, with a mere handful of records, including a couple of previous VC63 (South and West Yorkshire) ones. So, a Potteric record is a significant discovery. The identification will require genitalia dissection and confirmation by the County Recorder, so will take a little time but Ian is confident that the identification is correct.

Also  noteworthy was a second Potteric record of the big reedbed Pyralid, Schoenobius gigantella. We expect this moth will become thoroughly established over the next few years.

Other  records included Bordered Beauty, The Blackneck, Scarce Footman and both Poplar and Elephant Hawk-moths.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Schoenobius gigantella © Derek Parker

Schoenobius gigantella © Derek Parker

Argyresthia brockeella © Derek Parker

Argyresthia brockeella © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 2nd July 2018

A Four-dotted Footman Cybosia mesomella was undoubtedly the star find amongst the 83 species of moths trapped. This is another new record for Potteric Carr, the tenth so far this year. It is a moth usually associated with lowland heath habitats but also open woodland and it appears to be increasing in numbers and distribution in lowland parts of Yorkshire. The larvae of this species feed on lichens and algae.

A number of other noteworthy moths were recorded, including Coleophora albidella, Acrobasis consociella, Aethes beatricella, Black-neck, Coronet, Slender Brindle,
Clouded-bordered Brindle and Peach Blossom.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

Four-dotted footman © Derek Parker

Four-dotted footman © Derek Parker

Peach blossom © Derek Parker

Peach blossom © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 25th June 2018

One of the problems that can always occur when moth trapping at this time of year is, when you have a sunny morning, plus the fact that dawn comes so early, then the moths are likely to become active in the trap and micro-moths, especially, can escape in numbers. This was clearly the case on Tuesday morning and the total of 78 species we recorded is likely to be significantly less than the number of species actually trapped.

Nevertheless, we were pleased to record another new Potteric record, that of the
Brown Scallop Philereme vetulata. Two of these were trapped, one of each sex. The larvae of Brown Scallop in the UK are only known to feed on Common or Purging Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica. On the continent it is also known to feed on Alder Buckthorn and this seems to be a more likely foodplant, if, as we suspect may be the case, Brown Scallop is breeding at Potteric Carr. Brown Scallop is the 9th new moth record thus far in 2018.

Other species of note recorded on Monday night included Coleophora ibipennella, Acleris schalleriana, Blackneck, Beautiful Hook-tip and a female Oak Eggar.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

female Oak eggar © Derek Parker

female Oak eggar © Derek Parker

Brown scallop © Derek Parker

Brown scallop © Derek Parker

Buff-tip © Derek Parker

Buff-tip © Derek Parker

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 11th June 2018

Following a fairly mild night, a healthy total of 59 species was recorded. Many micro-moths are now appearing and one of these, Lobesia reliquana, provided the highlight of the session. Lobesia reliquana is a small but well coloured Tortricid moth and a new record for Potteric Carr. It is a recent addition to the Yorkshire moth fauna, having been first recorded in the County in 2004. Although there are only a handful of records, several of these are from the Doncaster area and the moth would seem to be becoming established locally.

Other species of note included White-pinion Spotted, Orange Footman, Maiden’s Blush and Cochylis nana.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 4th June 2018

The change to cooler conditions led to a quite disappointing trapping session, with only 34, mostly common, species recorded. Elephant Hawk-moth (5), Treble Lines (1) and an uncommon Gelechid, Recurvaria leucatella, were the pick of the bunch.

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Pammene Regiana, a New Moth Record for Potteric Carr

We have already reported on two new moth records for Potteric Carr discovered in 2018, specifically Bankesia conspurcatella and Prays ruficeps. Rather belatedly, I can report a third new record, that of Pammene regiana.

Pammene regiana is a fairly common but also striking Tortricid moth, dark brown, with a large pale yellow dorsal blotch on the forewing. Its larva feeds on the seeds of sycamore and, when full grown, it descends to the base of the tree and pupates in a cocoon under the flaky bark of the trunk.

Last winter we found a few cocoons of Pammene regiana in Beeston Plantation and we managed to rear one moth on 4th April 2018.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 21st May 2018

Nothing new or especially exciting amongst the 30 species trapped. Nevertheless, there were a few species of note, particularly a single Marbled White-spot and 2 Alder Moths; also Eyed Hawk-moth (1); Treble Lines (1); Orange Footman (3); Swallow Prominent (1); the colourful Tortricid, Eulia ministrana; and Monopis weaverella (2).

Ian Heppenstall, Harry Beaumont, Janet Heppenstall

Moth Trapping Report for Monday Night, 14th May 2018

We were pleased to see a good number of moths in the trap, considering the lateness of the season and the fact that it had been a clear night. The total of 27 species trapped was, in fact, about average for this time of year. Best of all, there was a new record for Potteric. Prays ruficeps is a species only recently separated from Prays fraxinella. Two examples were trapped and it may, in the future, prove to be the more frequently recorded of the two species at Potteric Carr. Both species have the same foodplant, ash, and similar lifestyles.

3 Orange Footman, 1 White-pinion Spotted and 1 Seraphim were the most noteworthy of the remainder.

Ian Heppenstall, Janet Heppenstall and Harry Beaumont

A Nationally Rare Moth Discovered at Potteric Carr

On 6th April, 2018, Janet spotted a micro moth caught in a spider’s web. The moth, although dead, was in reasonable condition and had probably got caught in the web the previous night. On critical examination, the moth proved to be a male Bankesia conspurcatella, an incredibly rare moth with only one previous Yorkshire record (Thorne Moors, 1985.) As this moth was so rare, it required verification by the County Micro-lepidoptera Recorder, Harry Beaumont, who, in fact, identified the Thorne Moors moths. We are pleased to say that Harry was recently able to confirm the identification.

Bankesia conspurcatella is not only rare in Yorkshire but nationally as well, so rare in fact that it has been given the highest possible conservation status (Proposed Red Data Book 1). Outside of South Yorkshire, there are only 5 other UK locations where the moth has been discovered.

Bankesia conspurcatella is a member of the family Psychidae, also known as Bagworms because the larvae live in cases constructed of debris (lichens, algae etc). The larva of Bankesia conspurcatella feeds from its larval case on leaf litter.

Ian and Janet Heppenstall

December 2018

Monday 31st

  • 5 Whooper swan - left NE from Huxter Well Marsh at 3.30pm
  • 130 Pink-footed geese - NW at 3.15pm
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - on cell 2a waited for the Starlings to go into roost
  • 150 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 5 Snipe - cell 2a
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - near Willow Pool Hide
  • 30 Long-tailed tit - Hawthorn Bank 
  • 60,000+ Starling - went in to roost in cell 2a between 3.50 and 4.10pm
  • 1 Pied wagtail - cell 2a

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Friday 28th

  • 1 Little egret - Mother Drain near Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Marsh harrier
  • 1 MERLIN - female/immature at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 30+ Snipe - flushed by a Sparrowhawk at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Barn owl - seen from Duchess Hide at 12.45 when it was perched in the dead tree. It was harassed by a magpie and flew off behind Piper Marsh 15 minutes later.
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Willow Marsh
  • 2 Willow tit
  • 1 Marsh tit
  • 1 BEARDED TIT - calling near Mitchell Hide
  • 12 Cetti's warbler
  • 4 Treecreeper
  • c75,000 Starling - went to roost at 2 separate sites at Huxter Well Marsh. Sparrowhawk in attendance.
  • 28 Bullfinch
  • 20+ Siskin - in trees near Piper Marsh Hide

Records received from Richard Doan, Chris Bell

Thursday 27th

  • 7 Shelduck on 1b
  • c70 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh, 50 flew in at 3pm from the iPort
  • 1 Bittern - flew past Old Eaa Hide
  • 2 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female, talon-grappling and a bit of display over Seven Arches Carr and East Scrape
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - over Huxter Well Marsh, attended the Starling roost
  • 1 Water rail - calling on cell 3a
  • 130 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 11 Snipe - cell 2a
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Piper Marsh path 
  • 2 Goldcrest - near Sedum House 
  • 2 Willow tit - along path towards Decoy Marsh Hide, in a large mixed tit flock
  • 1 Coal tit - in a mixed tit flock
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - singing 
  • 21 Long-tailed tit - Hawthorn Bank 
  • 3 Treecreeper - one along Hawthorn Bank and 2 with the large tit flock near Sedum House 
  • c60,000 Starling - went in to roost on cell 4 at 4.05pm, several thousand went in to the reeds on cell 2a. The murmuration was impressive as the Sparrowhawks tried numerous times to get one.
  • 30+ Siskin - feeding in Balby Carr Copse
  • 4 Bullfinch - near Piper Marsh Hide 

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Wednesday 26th

61 species were logged in a Boxing Day bird count, compared to 57 in 2017, 60 in 2016, 52 in 2015 and 63 in 2014. Highlights were:

  • 3 Goldeneye
  • 1 Peregrine
  • 2 Water rail
  • 4 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 1 Nuthatch
  • 1 Grey wagtail

Records received from Mark Roberts

Monday 24th - Buffer Area

  • 3 Ring-necked parakeet - flew to Low Ellers Curve (to roost?) at 3.30pm

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Mallards © Vernon Barker

Mallards © Vernon Barker

Robin © Allen Holmes

Robin © Allen Holmes

Sunday 23rd

Buffer Area - Carr Lodge

  • 40 Wigeon
  • 40 Teal

Records received from Mark Roberts

Saturday 22nd

  • 5 Whooper swan
  • 40 Wigeon - cell 2a
  • 60 Teal - cell 2a
  • 10 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Marsh harrier - up in the air together
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Buzzard - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel - at the Visitor Centre chasing Goldfinches
  • 1 MERLIN - in to the Starling roost caused mayhem
  • 1 Peregrine - sat on the pylon late afternoon
  • 120 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 CASPIAN GULL - 1st-winter in the gull roost late afternoon on cell 1b
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling in Old Eaa
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 2 Jay - Willow Pool feeders 
  • 2 Coal tit - Willow Pool feeders 
  • 1 Willow tit - along the Access track with a tit flock
  • 1 Treecreeper - calling along Willow Bank 
  • 100,000 Starling - started to gather at 3.35pm and went in to roost at 4.05pm in the reeds to the right of Tofield hide. The murmuration was impressive due to the Merlin
  • 2 Pied wagtail - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 12 Lesser redpoll
  • 20+ Siskin
  • 1 Reed bunting - Willow Pool feeders 

Records received from Rob Burns, Sue and Roger Bird, Dave Carroll, Sheila Bury, Col Neale per Chris Robinson

Friday 21st

  • 1 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - calling at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Lesser black-backed gull - cell 1b at dusk
  • 470 Herring gull - cell 1b at dusk
  • 1 CASPIAN GULL - 1st-winter on cell 1b at dusk
  • 340 Great black-backed gull - cell 1b at dusk

Records received from Richard Scott

Thursday 20th

  • 36 Mute swan 
  • 5 Shelduck
  • 20+ Wigeon
  • 130 Gadwall
  • 200+ Teal
  • 50+ Mallard
  • 18 Shoveler
  • 47 Pochard
  • 50+ Tufted duck
  • 18 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern
  • 1 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and juv
  • 1 Peregrine
  • 240+ Lapwing
  • 12 Snipe
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Coal tit
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 4 Siskin

Other: 3 Roe Deer

Records received from David Beresford, Michael Bird

Gadwall © Vernon Barker

Gadwall © Vernon Barker

Wednesday 19th

  • 1 Marsh harrier - male

Records received from Vernon Barker

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Tuesday 18th

  • 20 Canada geese
  • 2 Shelduck
  • 14 Wigeon
  • c70 Gadwall
  • 300+ Teal
  • c18 Shoveler
  • c50 Pochard
  • c30 Tufted duck
  • 7 Pheasant - male and 6 females
  • 11 Cormorant
  • 1 Little egret - in Mother Drain
  • 4 Grey heron
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 1 Buzzard
  • c200 Lapwing
  • 2 Snipe
  • 1 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER - Access Track / Mother Drain understory for over 2 hours
  • 1 Jay
  • 1 Marsh tit - Access Track
  • 12 Long-tailed tit
  • 1 Cetti's warbler
  • 20 Redwing
  • 1 Pied wagtail
  • 1 Meadow pipit - near Mitchell Hide
  • 5 Bullfinch
  • 8 Lesser redpoll
  • 50 Goldfinch
  • 40 Siskin - Piper Marsh path

Records received from Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Keith Lynes, Michael Bird

Goldcrest © Allen Holmes

Goldcrest © Allen Holmes

Monday 17th

  • 11 Cormorant - left Huxter Well Marsh at dusk and flew NE
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - attended the starling murmuration
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 14 Lesser black-backed gull - cell 1b at dusk
  • 400 Herring gull - cell 1b at dusk
  • 250 Great black-backed gull - cell 1b at dusk
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 2 Goldcrest
  • 1 Coal tit
  • 1 Marsh tit
  • 1 Treecreeper - Hawthorn Bank
  • 100,000 Starling - started to gather at 3.35pm and the large group went in by 3.55pm, with groups continuing to arrive and drop straight in
  • 1 Pied wagtail
  • 7 Bullfinch
  • 6 Lesser redpoll - Seven Arches Carr

Records received from Ray Harrison, Rob Burns, Richard Scott, Darren Wozencroft, Sue and Roger Bird

Sunday 16th

  • 4 Egyptian geese - left Huxter Well Marsh early morning
  • 3 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 17 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 58 Pochard - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 36 Tufted duck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Redshank - cell 2a
  • 9 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Green woodpecker - Hawthorn Bank and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Great spotted woodpecker - 2 in Black Carr Wood and one at Willow Marsh
  • 4 Jay - Willow Marsh
  • 3 Goldcrest
  • 1 Willow tit - Access Track
  • 2 Marsh tit - Access Track
  • 1 Treecreeper - Black Carr Wood
  • 100,000 Starling - over Huxter Well Marsh/Central Grassland at dusk
  • 10+ Bullfinch

Other: 5 Roe deer

Records received from Richard Scott, Allen Holmes, Ian and Janet Heppenstall, Ashley Watson, Sue Cullen

Pheasant © Allen Holmes

Pheasant © Allen Holmes

Saturday 15th

  • c240 Greylag geese - cell 1b
  • 5 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 8 Wigeon - cell 1b/3b
  • c245 Teal - cell 1b
  • 47 Shoveler - cell 1b
  • 15 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and cc at Huxter Well Marsh. The 'cream-crown' attempted to drown a coot.
  • 1 Water rail - calling near Mitchell Hide
  • 8 Lesser black-backed gull - cell 1b/West Scrape late afternoon
  • c540 Herring gull - cell 1b/West Scrape late afternoon
  • 1 Yellow-legged gull - 1st-winter on cell 1b
  • 1 CASPIAN GULL - 1st-winter on cell 1b from 3.05pm
  • c175 Great black-backed gull - cell 1b/West Scrape late afternoon
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • c50 Lesser redpoll - Piper Marsh
  • c15 Siskin - Old Eaa

Other: 2 Roe Deer near the VC

Records received from Richard Scott, Andy Bell

Thursday 13th

  • 50 Mute Swan 
  • 163 Greylag geese
  • 12 Shelduck
  • 35 Wigeon
  • 147 Gadwall
  • 300+ Teal
  • 23 Shoveler
  • 50  Pochard
  • 62 Tufted duck
  • 15 Cormorant
  • 1 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - sat among the greylags on cell 1b
  • 130 Lapwing
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 1 Coal Tit
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Pied Wagtail
  • 9 Siskin - car park

Other: 2 Roe deer

Records received from David Beresford

Wednesday 12th

  • 1 Bittern - flew past Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Barn owl - Old Eaa/Decoy Marsh at 10.15am 
  • 1 Green woodpecker 
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - Old Eaa
  • 1 Goldcrest
  • 4 Siskin - Access Track
  • 5/6 Lesser redpoll  

Records received from Chet Cunago

Tuesday 11th

  • 1 Goldeneye - male was displaying on cell 2b
  • 1 Little egret - cell 1b
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Buzzard - sat on wires over Rossington Carr Fields 
  • c70 Lapwing - cell 1b
  • 1 Kingfisher - on Mother Drain and cell 1b
  • 1 Green woodpecker - perched on tree in the middle of Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Great spotted woodpecker - a pair in Black Carr Wood and one along Loversall Bank
  • 4 Goldcrest
  • 1 Marsh tit - near Piper Marsh
  • 5 Cetti's warbler - singing 
  • 1 Treecreeper - along Hawthorn Bank 
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape 
  • 6 Siskin - near Old Eaa
  • 21 Lesser redpoll - along the Access Track
  • 4 Bullfinch

Buffer Area

  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Short Lane Fields

Records received from Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Paul Paddock, Richard Scott

Monday 10th

  • 1 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier - cc and juv male
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 2 Buzzard
  • 2 Water rail - calling
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 2 Jay
  • 5+ Goldcrest
  • 3 BEARDED TIT - including a male seen from Mitchell Hide
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Treecreeper
  • c100,000 Starling - went in to roost at 4pm with a small group roosting in cell 2a
  • 2 Redwing
  • 6 Bullfinch - 3 pairs
  • 10+ Lesser redpoll
  • 20+ Siskin

Records received from Richard Collis, Sue and Roger Bird

Sunday 9th (includes WeBS count)

  • 38 Mute swan
  • 130 Greylag goose
  • 5 Shelduck
  • 20 Wigeon
  • 70 Gadwall
  • 167 Teal
  • 47 Mallard
  • 44 Pochard
  • 33 Tufted duck
  • 10 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern - in flight at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 9 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male bathing at Piper Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel - Piper Marsh
  • 147 Coot
  • 206 Lapwing
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 3 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Jay - St Caths Copse
  • 3 Goldcrest - one in St Caths copse and 2 along Hawthorn bank
  • 2 BEARDED TIT - a pair seen from the cell 4 viewing screen
  • c40 Siskin, Goldfinch and Redpoll - mixed flock at the lighted crossing 
  • 6 Bullfinch
  • 1 Reed bunting - Willow Pool feeding station

Other: 6 Roe deer - 3 in Loversall Fields, 2 near the compound and one in Loversall Copse 

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Sue Cullen, Mark Roberts

Saturday 8th

  • 1 Marsh harrier - female over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - calling near Cottage Drain Hide
  • 5 Coal tit
  • 7 Bullfinch - near Cottage Drain Hide
  • 1 Siskin - Piper Marsh Scrub

Records received from Rob Burns

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Friday 7th

  • 1 Green woodpecker - Cottage Drain
  • 1 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER - male along Willow Bank
  • 1 Willow tit - calling along Loversall Bank
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Bank

Records received from Andy Dalton

Wednesday 5th

  • 70+ Greylag geese - cell 1b
  • c30 Canada Geese - cell 1b
  • 5 Shelduck
  • 4 Little egret
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 5 Snipe - flying over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Jay - Willow Pool
  • 1 Coal tit - Willow Pool
  • Long-tailed tit - various flocks around the reserve

Records received from Paul Paddock

Tuesday 4th

  • 193+ Greylag geese - cell 1b
  • 7 Shelduck
  • 15 Wigeon
  • c35 Gadwall
  • c230 Teal
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • c40 Shoveler
  • c45 Tufted duck
  • 60 Pochard
  • 2 Bittern - one at Decoy Marsh and one in flight at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret
  • 2 Grey heron
  • 2 Little grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - including one at the Starling roost
  • 2 Buzzard
  • 2 Water rail - Huxter Well Marsh and Old Eaa
  • c90 Lapwing
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Old Eaa
  • 16 Snipe - including 8 on a cell 2a island
  • 3 Herring gull
  • 4 Great black-backed gull
  • 1 Barn owl - near the pumping station
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 1 Green woodpecker - along the ring main near the M18
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - near VC
  • 20+ Carrion crow - pre-roost near Childers Wood
  • 2 Coal tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 2 Marsh tit - in a mixed flock along Mother Drain
  • 100,000 Starling - in a first class murmuration from 3.35-3.50pm, then all funneled in to roost by 3.55, best viewed from the screen overlooking cell 4.
  • c60 mixed flock of Redpoll, Siskin and Goldfinch - near the pumping station

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Dave Harding, Geoff Chatterton, Tuesday volunteers, Andy Dalton, Vernon Barker, Dave Carroll, Sue Bird, Allen Holmes

Monday 3rd

  • 1 Marsh harrier - viewed from the VC
  • 2 JACK SNIPE -Decoy Marsh
  • 12 Snipe - flew from Decoy Lake to Loversall Pool

Records received from Andy Dalton

Jack snipe © Paul Paddock

Jack snipe © Paul Paddock

Sunday 2nd

  • 3 Shelduck - cell 1b Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 1 Peregrine - south over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh (visitor report)
  • Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Chiffchaff - near Mitchell Hide
  • 50,000 Starling - gave an impressive murmuration before dropping to roost cell 4. Splinter flocks spotted roosting elsewhere on the site.
  • 2 Meadow pipit

Records received from Allen Holmes, Andy Bell, visitor reports

Gadwall © Vernon Barker

female and male Gadwall © Vernon Barker

Saturday 1st

  • 2 Little egret - seen fighting in Mother Drain
  • 1 Kingfisher - male up and down Mother Drain along the stretch between the pumping station and Hawthorn Field
  • 1 Coal tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Mistle thrush - Big Hedge

Other: 3 female Roe deer near Cottage Drain Hide

Records received from Rob Burns

Little egret © Allen Holmes

Little egret © Allen Holmes

November 2018

History of a colour-ringed & GPS tagged Black-tailed godwit seen on 4th/5th July 2018

Friday 30th

  • 5 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 35 Pochard - cell 2a
  • 8 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Grey heron - one with a string bag around beak
  • 2 Great crested grebe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Buzzard - one over Willow Marsh and 2 over M18
  • 1 Water rail - calling on Piper Marsh
  • 130 Lapwing - cell 1b
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 1 Common gull - cell 1b
  • 5 Great black-backed gull - cell 1b
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother drain
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker - one at VC feeders and one in Beeston Plantation
  • 2 Goldcrest
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 8 Long-tailed tit
  • 50,000 Starling - went in to roost on cell 4
  • Goldfinch and Siskin - mixed feeding flock at Visitor Centre and near the pumping station
  • 2 Bullfinch - St Caths Copse

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Dave Carroll, Sheila Bury, Vernon Barker, visitor reports

Long-tailed tit © Vernon Barker

Long-tailed tit © Vernon Barker

Thursday 29th

  • 150+ Greylag geese
  • 50+ Canada geese
  • 9 Shelduck
  • 45 Wigeon
  • 30 Gadwall
  • 160+ Teal
  • 43 Shoveler
  • 31 Mute swan 
  • 24 Pochard
  • 60+ Tufted duck
  • 10 Cormorant
  • 6 Grey heron
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 1 Water rail - in front of Cottage Drain Hide
  • 100+ Lapwing
  • 10 Snipe 
  • 3 Jay
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 3 Redwing
  • 3 Siskin
  • 6 Bullfinch

Records received from David Beresford

Mallard © Vernon Barker

Mallard © Vernon Barker

Wednesday 28th

  • 1 Woodcock - Beeston Plantation

Buffer Area - Short Lane Fields

  • 1 Water rail - calling
  • c200 Jackdaw
  • 3 Ring-necked parakeet

Records received from Mark Roberts, Chris Robinson

Jay© Amy Thompson

Jay© Amy Thompson

Earthstar fungus © Keith Lynes

Earthstar fungus © Keith Lynes

Tuesday 27th

  • 6 Shelduck
  • c75 Wigeon
  • c90 Gadwall
  • c140 Teal
  • c45 Shoveler
  • c25 Pochard
  • 23 Tufted duck
  • 1 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Little egret
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh
  • c120 Lapwing
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker - over West Scrape
  • 4 Great spotted woodpecker - Black Carr Wood, VC and edge of Beeston Plantation (2)
  • 5 Goldcrest - between the pumping station and underbridge
  • c50 Goldfinch
  • 5 Lesser redpoll - Access Track

Other: 2 Roe deer near Iron Bridge

Buffer Area - Low Ellers

  • 1 Woodcock - flew from Low Ellers to the field near the rail college at dusk
  • c200 Jackdaw - roosted

Records received from Amy Thompson, Chris Robinson, Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Philip Goucher, Dave Harding, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Andy Dalton

female Goldeneye © Adrian Andruchiw

female Goldeneye © Adrian Andruchiw

Sunday 25th

  • 30 Pink-footed geese - NE over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - cc's
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Barn owl - along Mother Drain seen from Iron bridge
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker - VC feeders and Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Jay
  • c100,000 Starling - gathered before dropping in to roost at 4.02pm at cell 4. A female Sparrowhawk took a Starling and dropped onto Central Grassland
  • 2 Willow/Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 9 Bullfinch - 4 at Piper Marsh and 5 along the Access Track

Records received from Mark Roberts, Ashley Watson, Sue Cullen, Allen Holmes, visitor reports

Starling murmuration © Allen Holmes

Starling murmuration © Allen Holmes

Saturday 24th

  • 5 Whooper swan - 2 on Huxter Well Marsh and 3 flew low over Central Grassland at dusk heading north
  • 2 Goldeneye - male and female on Old Eaa
  • 2 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Water rail - 2 calling in cell 4 and one in Seven Arches Carr
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Tawny owl - calling
  • 1 Green woodpecker - West Scrape
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Seven Arches Carr
  • 1 Willow tit  - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • c60,000 Starling - started to go in to roost at 3.50pm and were all in by 4.20pm.
  • 5 Fieldfare on Rossington Carr Fields
  • 25 Siskin - in the top of a birch tree in Seven Arches Carr
  • 2 Lesser Redpoll Seven Arches Car
  • 5 Bullfinch

Records received from Allen Holmes, Adrian Andruchiw, Sue and Roger Bird, visitor reports

Little Grebe © Robin Mokryj

Little Grebe © Robin Mokryj

Wednesday 21st

  • 2 Shelduck
  • 1+ Bittern - seen at Central Grassland and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 2 BEARDED TIT - in reeds to the right of Piper Marsh Hide
  • 10 Long-tailed tit

Records received from Vernon Barker, Paul Paddock

Jack snipe © Ron Parke

Jack snipe © Ron Parke

Bittern © Paul Paddock

Bittern © Paul Paddock

Tuesday 20th

  • 5 BEWICK'S SWAN - 2 adults and 3 young seen from Mitchell Hide (Keith Rainford & Lady Bay Birdwatchers). Probably the same family party which departed NW from Hoveringham at 10.10am
  • 9 Shelduck
  • c65 Wigeon
  • c60 Gadwall
  • c110 Teal
  • c45 Shoveler
  • 11 Pochard
  • 8 Tufted duck
  • 1 Little egret
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - juv. male
  • c80 Lapwing
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 3 Common gull
  • 2 Marsh tit - ringed and unringed birds at Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Pied wagtail

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Keith Rainford (Lady Bay Birdwatchers), Dave Carroll, Sue Bird

Bewick's swans © Keith Rainford

adult and young Bewick's swans and a Greylag © Keith Rainford

Monday 19th

  • 3 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • c40 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Bittern - West Scrape
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc took a small bird from the reeds on the Lagoon
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Buzzard
  • c60 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 2 Jay - Willow Pool feeders
  • 3 Goldcrest - in mixed tit flocks
  • 2 Coal tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 2 Treecreeper - Loversall Bank and the Access Track
  • c100,000 Starling - visitors need to be ready and waiting by 3.45pm to watch the full spectacle
  • 60 Redwing - were feeding on Hawthorn berries along Mother Drain by Huxter Well Marsh
  • Siskin/Lesser redpoll/Goldfinch - mixed flock near the pumping station

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Gary Dyson, Ash Jackson, Rob (pathfinder)

Marsh tit © Rob Burns

Marsh tit © Rob Burns

Sunday 18th

  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 2 Dunlin
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 7 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Grey wagtail - male in Beeston Plantation

Other: 1 Brimstone butterfly

Records received from Rob Burns, Mark Roberts, Sue Cullen

Saturday 17th

  • 1 Bittern
  • 3 Little egret
  • 2 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Water Rail - West Scrape
  • 2 Ruff
  • 6 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Barn owl - hunting the Mother drain bank 4.30pm
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool Hide
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool Hide
  • c9 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Nuthatch - Black Carr Wood
  • 100,000 Starling - in to roost between 4 - 4.20pm
  • 6 Meadow pipit - Central Grassland
  • 3+ Siskin

Records received from Richard Collis, Sue and Roger Bird, Allen Holmes

Friday 16th

  • 6 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • 3 Little egret - cell 2a
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Ruff - cell 3b
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh 
  • 6 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother drain 
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling in Young Eaa 
  • 70-100,000 Starling - in to roost on cell 4 from 3.50 to 4.15pm

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Ian and Janet Heppenstall, visitor reports

Thursday 15th

  • 34 Mute swan
  • 8 Shelduck
  • 57 Wigeon
  • 140+ Teal
  • 1 Bittern
  • 3 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Ruff
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 6 Siskin
  • 2 Pied wagtail

Records received from Gary Dyson, David Beresford

Buzzard © Matthew Christou

Buzzard © Matthew Christou

Teal © Vernon Barker

Teal © Vernon Barker

Wednesday 14th

  • 8 Shelduck
  • 2 Bittern
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male, female and juvenile
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 5 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 2 JACK SNIPE - showing well on Decoy Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Marsh tit

Other 4 Roe deer in Loversall Carr Field

Records received from Gary Dyson, Paul Paddock, Stefan Szabo

Buzzard © Vernon Barker

Buzzard © Vernon Barker

Tuesday 13th

  • 6 Shelduck - cell 3a
  • c60 Wigeon
  • c40 Gadwall
  • c140 Teal
  • c60 Shoveler
  • 25 Pochard
  • 16 Tufted duck
  • 2 Bittern - one flew from cell 2b to 3a late morning and one was at Piper Marsh
  • 2 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier - imm. male and female
  • 1 Water rail - heard at Old Eaa
  • c200 Lapwing
  • 5 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Snipe
  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh (MAB et al)
  • 4 Common gull
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 5 Cetti's warbler - heard
  • 2+ Siskin
  • 4 Bullfinch

Other: 4 Roe deer in Black Carr Field

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Phil Goacher, Dougie Smith, Dave Harding, Geoff Chatterton, Dave Carroll, Adrian Rosser, Vernon Barker

Jack snipe © Robyn Mokryj

Jack snipe © Robyn Mokryj

Magpie © Vernon Barker

Magpie © Vernon Barker

Monday 12th

  • 1 JACK SNIPE - Decoy Marsh (RM) 
  • c100,000 Starling - started dropping into roost over ten mins from 4.05pm. Marsh harrier and Sparrrowhawk in attendance.

Records received from Dave Carroll, Robin Mokryj

male Siskin © Robin Mokryj

male Siskin © Robin Mokryj

Sunday 11th (includes WeBS count)

  • 11 Shelduck
  • 57 Wigeon
  • 76 Gadwall
  • 1 Pintail - male on cell 2a
  • 43 Shoveler
  • 6 Cormorant
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and juv.
  • 6 Little egret
  • 1 Peregrine - seen from Piper Marsh Hide
  • 1 Water rail- calling on the Lagoon
  • 135 Coot
  • 147 Lapwing
  • 7 Black-tailed godwit
  • 14 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Chiffchaff - Hawthorn Bank 

Records received from Sue Cullen, Mark Roberts

Little egret © Roy Day

Little egret © Roy Day

Thursday 8th

  • 8 Shelduck
  • 50+ Wigeon
  • 1 Pintail - male on the Lagoon
  • 1 Bittern
  • 3 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Water rail - seen from Cottage Drain Hide
  • 5 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 7 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 1 Coal tit
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • c100,000 Starling - arriving mainly from the south, a few thousand dropped into the Lagoon reeds and the majority in front of Tofield Hide
  • c50 Siskin

Other: Peacock butterfly

Records received from Rob Burns, David Beresford, Vernon Barker, Amy Thompson

male Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

male Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Water rail © Rob Burns

Water rail © Rob Burns

Tuesday 6th

  • 8 Shelduck
  • c50 Wigeon
  • c110 Teal
  • 1 Pintail - male cell 2a
  • c90 Shoveler
  • c20 Pochard
  • 17 Tufted duck
  • 2 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Water rail 
  • c50 Golden plover
  • c200 Lapwing
  • 3 Black-tailed godwit
  • 5 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Green woodpecker - Loversall Bank and Willow Bank
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Beeston Plantation
  • 3 Marsh tit - Access Track, VC feeders and Willow Pool feeders
  • c100,000 Starling - again came in to roost and had all dropped into cell 4 by 4.25pm
  • c45 Redwing
  • 6 Siskin - Access Track

Other: 3 Roe deer, Stoat and Weasel

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Mark Roberts, Dave Carroll, Sue and Roger Bird, visitor reports

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Robin Mokryj

Starlings © Robin Mokryj

Monday 5th

  • 1 Bittern - seen from Mitchell hide
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 4 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 3 Ruff - arrived at West Scrape at 3.45pm
  • 1 Dunlin - arrived at West Scrape at 3.30pm
  • 18 Snipe - arrived at West Scrape at 3.30pm
  • c100,000 Starling - dropped into the reeds in front of Tofield Hide after a stunning murmuration. Sparrowhawk and marsh harrier in attendance

Other: 2 Roe deer at West Scrape

Records received from Allen Holmes, Jim Horsfall per Sue Bird

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Starlings © Allen Holmes

Sunday 4th

  • 3 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Pintail - male on the Lagoon
  • 5 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 4 Little egret - Lagoon 
  • 3 Marsh harrier - on Huxter Well Marsh and attended the Starling roost
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - on Huxter Well Marsh and attended the Starling roost
  • 3 Buzzard 
  • 2 Water rail - one from Cottage drain hide and one calling on cell 2a
  • 270 Lapwing - West Scrape 
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 3 Ruff - West Scrape 
  • 4 Woodcock - one disturbed along the path edge in St Caths Copse and 3 in Beeston Plantation
  • 18 Snipe - 16 on West Scrape and singles on Reedbed Filtration Ponds and Willow Marsh 
  • 2 Green woodpecker - Willow Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 4 Jay - Willow Pool feeders 
  • c10 Goldcrest
  • 2 Coal tit - Willow Bank 
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders 
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - singing on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Treecreeper - near Decoy Marsh Hide
  • c30,000 Starling - went in to roost in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide at 4.25pm, this is a conservative estimate
  • 20+ Siskin - scattered over the reserve 
  • 10 Lesser redpoll - scattered over the reserve
  • 5 Bullfinch - near the pumping station were all males

Buffer Area - Carr Lodge

  • 1 Woodcock
  • 14 Stock Dove

Records received from Mark Roberts, Sue and Roger Bird, Richard Collis, visitor reports

Redwing © Rob Burns

Redwing © Rob Burns

Saturday 3rd

  • 3 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • 1 Pintail  - male on Lagoon
  • 7 Little egret - Lagoon at 4pm
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and cc on Huxter Well Marsh, also attended the Starling roost
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - over Huxter Well Marsh also tried to take Starling from the roost
  • 2 Buzzard - over Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 4 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Stock dove - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow pool feeders 
  • c30,000 Starling - started to gather over Huxter Well Marsh at 4pm and went in to roost at 4.30pm

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Rob Burns, visitor reports

Thursday 1st

  • 20 Mute Swan
  • 5 Shelduck
  • 30+ Wigeon
  • 140+ Teal
  • 35 Pochard
  • 13 Tufted duck
  • 1 Bittern
  • 5 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 16 Golden plover
  • 216 Lapwing
  • 11 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Dunlin
  • 2 Woodcock - Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 8 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 100+ Jackdaw - in the evening corvid roost
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • c10,000 Starling - a murmuration over Huxter Well Marsh late afternoon. They went to roost in front of Duchess Hide at 4.30pm. A Marsh harrier and 2 Sparrowhawks were in attendance.
  • c30 Siskin

Records received from Mark Roberts, David Beresford, Andy Dalton

October 2018

Wednesday 31st

  • 8 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • 91 Wigeon
  • 1 Bittern
  • 1 Marsh harrier - imm. male
  • 2 Water rail - one in Mother Drain and one showing well in front of Mitchell Hide
  • 38 Golden plover - east
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Green woodpecker

Records received from Gary Dyson

Tuesday 30th

  • 8 Shelduck
  • c50 Wigeon
  • c76 Gadwall
  • c80 Teal
  • c90 Shoveler
  • 9 Pochard
  • 31 Tufted duck
  • 9 Cormorant
  • 2 Marsh harrier - including a male
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool
  • 21 Fieldfare - over
  • c70 Redwing
  • c30 Lesser redpoll

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Amy Thompson, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, volunteers

Marsh tit © Amy Thompson

Marsh tit © Amy Thompson

Musk mallow © Keith Lynes

Musk mallow © Keith Lynes

Monday 29th

  • 3 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • 35 Wigeon - on the Lagoon and cell 2a
  • 2 Pintail - male on Lagoon and female on cell 2a
  • 2 Bittern - seen from Mitchell Hide
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Marsh harrier - 2 males and juv
  • 2 Sparrowhawk - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water rail - calling on the Lagoon and cell 2a
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 3 Ruff - cell 3b
  • 1 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 7 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Stock dove - over Willow Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher - Division Drain
  • 1 Rook - over VC
  • 2 Goldcrest
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 4 BEARDED TIT - 2 males and 2 females in front of Mitchell Hide
  • 5 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 8 Blackbird - in Hawthorns at Loversall Delph
  • c10 Redwing - in Hawthorns at Loversall Delph
  • c20 Pied wagtail - in a group at dusk past the Visitor Centre
  • 25 Siskin - flew to Childers Wood
  • 2 Lesser redpoll - flew to Childers Wood

Records received from Dawn Scott, Gary Dyson, Ian Heppenstall, Sue and Roger Bird

Sunday 28th

  • c100 Pink-footed geese - NW at 10.50
  • 7 Shelduck
  • 1 Pintail - female on the Lagoon
  • 1 Bittern - seen from Mitchell Hide
  • 3 Little egret
  • 4+ Buzzard
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit
  • 3 Ruff
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Black Carr Field
  • 2 Raven - circling high over Huxter Well and then off towards iPort
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool
  • 3 BEARDED TIT - seen from Mitchell Hide

Records received from Sue Cullen, Mark Roberts, Mark Revitt, Colin O'Neil, visitor reports

Bearded tit © Mark Revitt

Bearded tit © Mark Revitt

Thursday 25th

  • 1 Pink-footed goose - West Scrape
  • 50+ Wigeon
  • 190+ Teal
  • 3 Pintail - male and 2 females on the Lagoon
  • 28 Pochard
  • 3 Bittern
  • 1 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 3 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Water rail - Lagoon
  • 162 Golden plover
  • 400+ Lapwing
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Ruff - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher - seen from Tofield Hide
  • 1 Willow tit - calling from Loversall Bank
  • 1 Marsh tit - calling from Hawthorn Field
  • 2 BEARDED TIT - near Mitchell Hide
  • 1 Chiffchaff - singing in Big Hedge
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 20 Lesser redpoll 

Records received from Steve Furber, David Beresford, Gary Dyson, Tina Langford, visitor reports

Roe deer © Paul Paddock

Roe deer © Paul Paddock

Wednesday 24th

  • 5 Shelduck - cell 1b
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and juv at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 HEN HARRIER - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water rail
  • 142 Golden plover - West Scrape
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Ruff
  • 1 Snipe - Lagoon
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 2 Green woodpecker
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - singing

Records received from Paul Paddock, Gary Dyson, Adrian Andruchiw

Hen harrier and Golden plovers © Paul Paddock

Hen harrier and Golden plovers © Paul Paddock

Hen harrier © Adrian Andruchiw

Hen harrier © Adrian Andruchiw

Tuesday 23rd

  • 4 WHOOPER SWAN - dropped onto cell 1b at 3pm
  • 33 Greylag geese
  • 1 Pink-footed goose - with Greylags in front of St Caths hide
  • 3 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • c65 Wigeon
  • c50 Gadwall
  • c125 Teal
  • 3 Pintail - male and 2 female seen from St Caths Hide
  • c40 Shoveler
  • c40 Pochard
  • c65 Tufted duck
  • 2 Little Grebe
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 3 Bittern
  • 2 Little egret
  • 3 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 HEN HARRIER - 'ringtail' seen again over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Sparrowhawk
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Peregrine - immature
  • c70 Golden plover
  • c300 Lapwing
  • 13 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 19 Snipe
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 15 Rook - over Manor Farm, seen from the reserve
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 6 Goldcrest
  • 5 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Treecreeper
  • 2 Siskin

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Phil Goacher, Dave Harding, Dougie Smith, Gary Dyson, Dave Carroll, Sue and Roger Bird, visitor reports

Monday 22nd

  • 1 HEN HARRIER - 'ringtail' hunting over Huxter Well Marsh and Piper Marsh from 12.15 for at least 30 mins  (PH et al)
  • 4 Buzzard
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 1 Ruff
  • 8 Snipe
  • 1 Barn owl - seen from Cottage Drain Hide at 4pm. Watched for about 20 mins perched in reeds opposite the hide.
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 1 Kingfisher

Records received from Pat Heath, Andy Dalton, Irene and Graham Thackray, visitor reports

Sunday 21st

  • 2 Shelduck
  • 1 Bittern - walking along the reeds seen from Tofield Hide and then taking flight towards East Scrape
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male
  • 36+ Golden plover - mainly on West Scrape
  • 4 Common gull
  • 1 Willow/Marsh tit - Willow Pool

Records received from Sue Cullen

Friday 19th

  • 1 Pintail - cell 2b
  • 1 Little egret - cell 3a
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Buzzard - over Piper Marsh
  • 90+ Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 9 Golden plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Kingfisher - West Scrape
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Seven Arches Carr
  • c10 Goldcrest - Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Willow tit - Wollow Pool feeders
  • 2 BEARDED TIT - Decoy Marsh reedbed then flew to Reedbed Filtration Ponds

Butterflies: 1 Peacock, 3 Speckled wood

Records received from Dave Carroll

Hairy shieldbug © Matthew Cristou

Hairy shieldbug © Matthew Cristou

Thursday 18th

  • 2 Shelduck on the Lagoon 
  • 2 Pintail - male and female
  • 3 Bittern - one on Piper Marsh and 2 from Mitchell Hide 
  • 2 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and cc on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 8 Buzzard - 7 up together over Seven Arches Carr and one over M18
  • 1 Water rail - calling in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide 
  • 11 Black-tailed godwit - Lagoon 
  • 1 Dunlin - cell 2a
  • 10 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kingfisher - Piper Marsh 
  • 3 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh, Willow Bank, Cottage Drain 
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Willow Bank
  • 1 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER - near the Education Centre (per AD)
  • 4 Jay - very active collecting acorns
  • Skylark - continually heard moving west high
  • 2 Bullfinch - Willow Bank

Other: Brimstone and Red admiral in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide, Muntjac at Loversall Pool

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, visitor reports

pair of Shoveler © Vernon Barker

pair of Shoveler © Vernon Barker

Wednesday 17th

  • 2 Bittern
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Water rail - heard from the Access Track
  • 54 Snipe - flushed from Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Kingfisher - Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Willow tit - access track
  • 5 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Stonechat - seen from Tofield Hide

Records received from Gary Dyson, Vernon Barker

Kingfisher © Vernon Barker

Kingfisher © Vernon Barker

Tuesday 16th

  • 52 Wigeon
  • c60 Gadwall
  • c 200 Teal
  • 5 Pintail - West Scrape
  • c120 Shoveler
  • 1 Pochard
  • c16 Tufted duck
  • 2 Bittern - one seen from Tofield Hide and one flew down Mother Drain adjacent to Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret
  • 9 Little grebe
  • 1 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and cc over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 2 Buzzard
  • 11 Golden plover - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • c300 Lapwing
  • 1 Curlew - briefly on West Scrape then flew off SW
  • 11 Black-tailed godwit
  • 6 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Green woodpecker - one calling from Seven Arches Carr and one flying over Central Grassland
  • 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker - Young Eaa
  • 4 Goldcrest - calling
  • 1 BEARDED TIT -  worked it's way in front of Tofield Hide and on to cell 2b
  • 25 Skylark - SW between 10.45 and 12.00
  • 5 Swallow - SW
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Treecreeper and long Hawthorn Bank 
  • 50 Starling SW between 10.45 and 12.00
  • 290 Fieldfare - SW 225 between 10.45 and 12.00 and 65 later
  • 1 Song Thrush - over Access track
  • 695 Redwing - SW  670 between 10.45 and 12.00 and 25 later
  • 3 Pied wagtail - West Scrape
  • 25 Chaffinch - in one group SW
  • 1 Greenfinch - VC feeders
  • 2 Siskin - near the Pumping Station
  • 5 Reed Bunting - singles dropped in in Huxter Well Marsh

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Dave Harding, Phil Goacher, Dougie Smith, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Mike Bellas, Andy Dalton, Roger Bird, Gary Dyson

Monday 15th

  • 3 Pintail - 2 males and a female on the Lagoon
  • 1+ Marsh harrier - seen at Huxter Well Marsh and Willow Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - heard from Duchess Hide
  • c. 250 Lapwing.
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker – over VC
  • 1 Swallow - did a circuit of Huxter Well Marsh then appeared to depart south
  • 1 Grey wagtail - over VC
  • 1 Greenfinch - VC feeders

Records received from Andy Dalton, visitor reports

Sunday 14th (includes WeBS count)

  • 2 Shelduck
  • 65 Gadwall
  • 13 Wigeon
  • 199 Teal
  • 96 Mallard
  • 4 Pintail
  • 84 Shoveler
  • 4 Pochard
  • 27 Tufted duck
  • 1 Marsh harrier - Willow Marsh
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 15 Snipe
  • 1 Kingfisher - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 2 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders (one was ringed)

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Dave Carroll, Mark Roberts

Orange peel fungus © Debbie Ross

Orange peel fungus © Debbie Ross

Saturday 13th

  • 2 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 89 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Pintail -  cell 2b
  • 1 Marsh harrier - juv at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 13+ Snipe - Huxter Well Mrsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 6 Goldcrest
  • 2 Chiffchaff
  • 2 Siskin - over

Records received from Richard Scott

Dunlin © Richard Scott

Dunlin © Richard Scott

Black-tailed godwit © Richard Scott

Black-tailed godwit © Richard Scott

Thursday 11th

  • 87 Wigeon
  • 5 Pintail - adult male, imm male and 3 females on cell 2a
  • 13 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker

Records received from Gary Dyson

Buzzard © Vernon Barker

Buzzard © Vernon Barker

Wednesday 10th

  • 2 Shelduck - cell 2b
  • 6 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 7 Black-tailed godwit - Lagoon
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Piper Marsh
  • 7+ Cetti's warbler - singing

Records received from Paul Paddock, Barry Wardley

Marsh harriers © Barry Wardley

Marsh harriers © Barry Wardley

Tuesday 9th

  • 2 Shelduck
  • c60 Wigeon
  • c50 Gadwall
  • c150 Teal
  • 4 Pintail - 3 on the Lagoon and one on cell 2a
  • 8 Pochard
  • 1 Bittern - flew past Mitchell Hide twice
  • 3 Grey heron
  • 3 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 6 Buzzard
  • c350 Lapwing
  • 15 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 2 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 11+ Snipe
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 2 Green woodpecker
  • 2 Jay
  • 1 Coal tit - Hawthorn Bank
  • 1 Skylark - over
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • 2 Treecreeper
  • c25 Redwing
  • 2 Stonechat - seen from Tofield hide at 2pm
  • 2 Pied wagtail  - West Scrape
  • 2 Meadow pipit - over
  • Budgerigar (escape) - yellow bird at Piper Marsh

Other: Common darters mating, 3 Small white butterflies, 8 Speckled wood, Small copper, Hornet near St Catherine's Hide

Records received from Richard Collis, Gary Dyson, Vernon Barker, Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll

Common darters © Vernon Barker

Common darters © Vernon Barker

Ruff © Adrian Andruchiw

Ruff © Adrian Andruchiw

Monday 8th

  • 2 Shelduck - Lagoon
  • 51 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 2 Sparrowhawk
  • 4 Buzzard
  • 1 Water rail - calling on the Lagoon
  • 10 Golden plover - West Scrape
  • 300+ Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - on Huxter Well Marsh, using West Scrape, Lagoon and cell 1b
  • 8+ Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher - Piper Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling
  • 2 Goldcrest - Access Track
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 1 Blackcap - calling in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide
  • 20+ Fieldfare - over
  • 3 Redwing - west at 3.10pm
  • 2 Pied wagtail - West Scrape
  • 2 Siskin - west
  • 1 Reed bunting - in front of Mitchell Hide

Other: 5 Speckled Wood and a single Common blue along the ring main, 4 Roe deer

Buffer Area - Short Lane Fields

  • 1 Cetti's warbler singing along the drain

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Allen Holmes, Adrian Andruchiw

Golden plovers © Adrian Andruchiw

Golden plovers © Adrian Andruchiw

Black-tailed godwit © Allen Holmes

Black-tailed godwit © Allen Holmes

Sunday 7th

  • 12 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 2 Snipe - cell 3b
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw

Friday 5th

  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain near the  Compound
  • 1 Willow tit – Loversall  Delph
  • 5 Skylark - north
  • 1 Blackcap - VC Car Park

Records received from Andy Dalton

Thursday 4th

  • Pink-footed geese - 2 small skeins flew over the VC at about 8am and 8.30am
  • 1 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 35 Wigeon
  • 160+ Teal
  • 1 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 63 Shoveler
  • 10 Cormorant
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 10 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Buzzard
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 6 Golden plover
  • c500 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 13 Snipe
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Green woodpecker - flew past West Scrape Hide
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - flew to big hedge
  • 3 Jay
  • 6 Goldcrest - 3 along Access Track, 2 in Black Carr Wood and one in Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 3 Swallow - SW
  • 6 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 1 Chiffchaff
  • 100 Starling - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Fieldfare - over the Access track
  • 2 Pied wagtail

Records received from Andy Dalton, Sue and Roger Bird, Gary Dyson, David Beresford, Ron Parke, Barry Wardley

Kingfisher © Barry Wardley

Kingfisher © Barry Wardley

Wednesday 3rd

  • c60 Wigeon
  • 2 Pintail
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - female making several failed attacks on woodpigeons around the dead oak near Duchess Hide
  • 10 Black-tailed godwit - Lagoon
  • 2 Kingfisher - Mother Drain and Hawthorn Field
  • 1 Green woodpecker

Records received from Gary Dyson

male Southern hawker © Matthew Christou

male Southern hawker © Matthew Christou

Green sandpiper © Matthew Christou

Green sandpiper © Matthew Christou

Tuesday 2nd

  • 1 Shelduck - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 32 Wigeon
  • 35 plus Gadwall
  • 120+ Teal
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 40+ Shoveler
  • 2 Grey heron
  • 5 Little grebe
  • 1 Great crested grebe - cell 1b
  • 400+ Lapwing
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 3 Snipe
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 6 Redwing - over the compound

Butterflies: 1 Comma, 1 Speckled wood, 1 Common blue

Dragonflies: 1 Southern hawker

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Helen Womack, Sue and Roger Bird, Dave Carroll, Matthew Cristou

Roe deer © Vernon Barker

Roe deer © Vernon Barker

September 2018

Saturday 29th

  • 1 Red-crested pochard - male on cell 2b
  • 2 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Hobby - over Black Carr Wood and Piper Marsh
  • 300+ Lapwing
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - Lagoon
  • 8 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Willow tit
  • 1 Treecreeper

Other: 1 Common blue along path near M18, 2 Speckled wood

Records received from Keith Horton, Rob Burns, Michael Bird

Red-crested pochard © Keith Horton

Red-crested pochard © Keith Horton

Fly agaric © Rob Burns

Fly agaric © Rob Burns

Friday 28th

  • 12 Wigeon
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 4 Chiffchaff
  • 1 Blackcap
  • 1 Stonechat

Records received from Andy Dalton

Black-tailed godwits © Steve Ditch

Black-tailed godwits © Steve Ditch

Thursday 27th

  • 24 Wigeon - cell 2a
  • 200+ Teal
  • 1 Pintail - cell 2a
  • 67 Shoveler
  • 3+ Bittern - at least one at Huxter Well Marsh, others seen from Beeston Hide and Decoy Marsh
  • 4 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier - including one being mobbed by 28 Jackdaw
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - calling on the Reedbed Filtration Ponds
  • 32 Golden plover - circled Huxter Well Marsh for 5 minutes and then dropped on to West Scrape
  • c500 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Green sandpiper - cell 3b
  • 14 Snipe - 10 on West Scrape and 4 over cell 2b
  • 1+ Kingfisher - Mother Drain, Decoy Marsh and VC
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Hawthorn Bank
  • 3 Goldcrest - calling
  • 1 Willow tit - in a tit flock on Loversall Bank
  • 1 Marsh tit - access track
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 3 Chiffchaff -included 2 singing
  • 2 Pied wagtail - West Scrape
  • 2 Greenfinch - VC feeders
  • 4 Reed bunting - Huxter Well Marsh

Other: Grass snake basking in the sun near Beeston Hide, 2 Parasol fungi, Red Admiral, Comma

Records received from Sue Bird, Gary Dyson, Mark Roberts, David Beresford, visitor reports

Wednesday 26th

  • 1 Kingfisher - Piper Marsh

Records received from Kieron Wobschall

Kingfisher © Kieron Wobschall

Kingfisher © Kieron Wobschall

Tuesday 25th

  • 15 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Pintail - cell 2a
  • 3 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Buzzard - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh and the compound
  • 2 Water rail - calling on Old Eaa
  • c250 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 11 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 10 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kingfisher -  Mother Drain
  • 3 Jay - collecting acorns
  • 2 Coal tit - Black Carr Field 
  • 7 Swallow - south 
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing 
  • 1 Chiffchaff - calling 
  • 1 Blackcap - behind the Visitor Centre
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape 

Other: 2 Red admiral on buddleia, 8 Speckled wood, c50 Common darter, 2 Grass snake

Records received from Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Vernon Barker, visitor reports

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Hobby © Vernon Barker

Hobby © Vernon Barker

Sunday 23rd

  • c50 Pink-footed geese - NW at noon
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Black Carr Wood

Records received from Mark Roberts

Saturday 22nd

  • 14 Wigeon - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 6 Pheasant - Willow Pool feeders
  • 14 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water rail - calling on 3b
  • 1 Golden plover - south at 6pm
  • 4 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 1 Common/Arctic tern - a juv south over Huxter Well Marsh at 6.30pm
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - over VC
  • 4 Jay - collecting acorns 
  • 2 Goldcrest - in a tit flock along Access track 
  • 1 Willow tit - calling in Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 4 Chiffchaff - included one singing
  • 3 Blackcap - all males
  • 1 Mistle thrush - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 WHINCHAT - with the Stonechats on Central Grassland (DW)
  • 2 Stonechat - Central Grassland
  • c60 Goldfinch - in a flock at the VC
  • 1 Siskin - over Loversall Triangle 
  • 2 Bullfinch - Piper Marsh Scrub 
  • 2 Reed bunting - one near Mitchell Hide and one at VC

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Darren Wozencroft

Friday 21st

  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 2 Hobby - hunting around Huxter Well Marsh (one was a juvenile)
  • 14 Black-tailed godwit - Lagoon
  • 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - Lagoon/West Scrape
  • 1 Green sandpiper - Decoy Lake
  • 1 Kingfisher - sat on the Underbridge
  • 5 Swallow - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Chiffchaff

Records received from Andy Dalton

Thursday 20th

  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 1 Ringed plover
  • 30 Black-tailed godwit
  • c110 Lapwing
  • 2 Ruff
  • 6 Dunlin
  • 5  Green sandpiper
  • 15 Snipe
  • 1 Common gull
  • 1 Kingfisher
  • 1 Marsh tit
  • 30 House martin - over Decoy Lake first thing
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Grey wagtail

Records received from Richard Collis, Andy Dalton, David Beresford, visitor reports

Lumpy bracket? © Derek Parker

Lumpy bracket? © Derek Parker

Suillus sp. © Derek Parker

Suillus sp. © Derek Parker

Wednesday 19th

  • c200 Teal - West Scrape
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Hobby
  • 2 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 13 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER - juvs on West Scrape
  • 6 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Wheatear - Central Grassland

Records received from Gary Dyson

Tuesday 18th

  • c20 Wigeon
  • c115 Gadwall
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • c30 Shoveler
  • c60 Pochard
  • 11 Cormorant
  • 6 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 5 Hobby - 3 Huxter Well Marsh and 2 over the VC
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 1 Ringed Plover - juvenile on West Scrape
  • c220 Lapwing - mainly on West Scrape
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit - on West Scrape and later 2 on the Lagoon
  • 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER - West Scrape
  • 6 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - cell 3b/West Scrape
  • 5 Green sandpiper - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 22 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • A steady SW movement of hirundines all day, c60 in a group in the morning
  • 2 Treecreeper - calling one along Hawthorn Bank and one in Black Carr Wood 
  • 1 Grey wagtail - over the carpark

Butterflies: 10 Speckled wood, 1 Brimstone, 1 Comma, 1 Red admiral, 1 Large white

Records received from Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Helen Womack, Gary Dyson

Cormorant © Matthew Christou

Cormorant © Matthew Christou

Monday 17th

  • 3 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh  
  • 3+ Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 220 Lapwing - West Scrape 
  • 1 Ringed plover - juvenile on West Scrape 
  • 13 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape 
  • 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER - on West Scrape but were disturbed and moved to cell 1b
  • 6 Dunlin - on West Scrape but were disturbed and moved to cell 1b
  • 4 Green sandpiper - cell 3b
  • 16 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Green woodpecker - in front of Duchess Hide 
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders 
  • 1 Marsh tit - in a large flock at the Pumping station and moved along the Access track to the entrance
  • 4 Swallow - SW
  • 6 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Chiffchaff - calling 
  • 1 Blackcap -in a tit flock

Other: 1 Red admiral, a few Specked woods, 3 Shrews near Piper Marsh Hide

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Sunday 16th

  • 1 Bittern - giving prolonged flight views at Huxter Well Marsh as it battled against the wind 
  • 4 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 4 Hobby - all seen together at one point, catching dragonflies over Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Little ringed plover  - West Scrape
  • 15 Black-tailed godwit -  West Scrape
  • 1 KNOT - West Scrape
  • 9 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 3 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh and cell 3b
  • 3 Snipe -  West Scrape

Records received from Sue Cullen

Hobby © Matthew Christou

Hobby © Matthew Christou

Hobby © Matthew Christou

Hobby © Matthew Christou

Thursday 13th

  • 9 Wigeon
  • 100+ Gadwall
  • 200+ Teal
  • 55 Shoveler
  • 37 Pochard
  • 1 Bittern - from Tofield Hide
  • 3 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Hobby - over Huxter Well Marsh and Loversall Carr Fields
  • 1 Golden plover - West Scrape 
  • 450+ Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 10 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape 
  • 2 Dunlin - West Scrape 
  • 4 Green sandpiper - cell 3b
  • 2 SPOTTED REDSHANK - cell 3b
  • 15 Snipe - 3 on West Scrape and 12 on cell 3b
  • 1 Kingfisher - from Tofield hide
  • 3 Jay
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Swallow - SW
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Chiffchaff - calling 
  • 4 Blackcap - calling 
  • 4 Treecreeper - 2 Black Carr Field and 2 near Willow Pool 
  • 5 Mistle thrush - Loversall Carr Fields 
  • 1 REDSTART - main carpark (AD)

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Andy Dalton, David Beresford, Mike Snook, visitor reports

Wednesday 12th

  • 6 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 10 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 2 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh, West Scrape and cell 3b
  • 21 Snipe - 14 on West Scrape and 7 on cell 3b
  • 1 Green woodpecker Willow pool hide
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Pied wagtail

Other: 3 Roe deer

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw

Tuesday 11th

  • 17 Wigeon
  • 120+ Gadwall
  • 140+ Teal
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 30+ Shoveler
  • 16 Pochard
  • 14 Tufted duck
  • 21 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern - flew from cell 1a to cell 4
  • 4 Little egret
  • 3 Marsh harrier - female and 2 juveniles
  • 1 Kestrel - juvenile at Huxter Marsh
  • 5 Hobby - 3 over Beeston Plantation at 3pm, 2 seen over Huxter Well Marsh earlier
  • 350+ Lapwing
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape/cell 3b
  • 6 Dunlin - cell 3b
  • 3 Green sandpiper - West Scrape/cell 3b
  • 16 Snipe - West Scrape and cell 3b
  • 1 Common tern - juvenile Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 1 Marsh tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 3 Cetti's warbler

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Helen Womack, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Gary Dyson

Monday 10th

  • 1 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 1 Bittern - flew to the Stilling Pond
  • 8 Black tailed godwit - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Ruff - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Dunlin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Green sandpiper - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Kingfisher - chasing each other around Decoy Lake
  • c100 House martin - over Loversall Pool
  • 1 Coal tit
  • 1 Willow tit - seen and heard in a large tit flock along Division Drain at Loversall Pool and later around the compound
  • 1 Marsh tit - seen and heard in a large tit flock along Division Drain at Loversall Pool and later around the compound
  • 1 Treecreeper

Records received from Mark Roberts, Andy Dalton, visitor reports

Sunday 9th (includes WeBS count)

  • 16 Wigeon
  • 147 Gadwall
  • 211 Teal
  • 2 Pintail
  • 87 Shoveler
  • 1 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 24 Little Grebe
  • 207 Coot
  • 1 Hobby - juvenile catching dragonflies at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water Rail - West Scrape
  • 225 Lapwing
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Ruff
  • 2 Dunlin
  • 3+ Green sandpiper
  • 1 Greenshank
  • 10 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Hawthorn Bank
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool feeders
  • 4 Cetti's warbler - singing 
  • 4 Chiffchaff - calling 
  • 4 Blackcap - calling 

Records received from Sue Bird, Chris K. per Ashley Watson, Mark Roberts, Rob Burns

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

rutting roe deer © Allen Holmes

rutting roe deer © Allen Holmes

Saturday 8th

  • 1 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh

Records received from Andy Dalton

Friday 7th

  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - Piper Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - Willow Pool
  • 8 Black-tailed godwit - possibly 15 (7 on Piper and 8 on Huxter, but flighty)
  • 4 Green sandpiper - West Scrape/Piper Marsh
  • 10 Snipe - 3 West Scrape, 6 on cell 3b and one on the small Dragonfly Pond
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Green Woodpecker - adult and juv in Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Great-spotted Woodpecker heard - Piper Marsh
  • 2 Goldcrest - Black Carr Field and Access Track
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - heard

Other: 6 Roe Deer including 2 rutting bucks at Piper Marsh

Records received from Allen Holmes, Kieron Wobschall, Dave Carroll, Adrian Andruchiw

Sparrowhawk © Adrian Andruchiw

Sparrowhawk © Adrian Andruchiw

Buzzard © Kieron Wobschall

Buzzard © Kieron Wobschall

Thursday 6th

  • 12 Wigeon - 5 on cell 2a and 7 on cell 1a
  • 2 Pintail - Lagoon
  • 2 Little Egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Hobby - juvenile over Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Water rail - one calling on West Scrape and 2 from Willow Pool Hide
  • 7 Black-tailed godwit - 5 on West Scrape and 2 flew from cell 1b towards Piper Marsh 
  • 4 Green sandpiper - one Piper Marsh, 2 on West Scrape and one on cell 1b
  • 8 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kingfisher - perched on the post in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide for 30+ minutes 
  • 2 Jay - Willow pool feeders 
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow pool feeders 
  • 10 Sand martin 
  • 1 Swallow 
  • 12 House martin
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 4 Chiffchaff
  • 5 Blackcap
  • 2 Pied wagtail - West Scrape 
  • 2 Reed bunting - West Scrape 

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Bittern © Allen Holmes

Bittern © Allen Holmes

Wednesday 5th

  • 1 Bittern - Piper Marsh
  • 4 Little Egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - Piper Marsh
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - Piper Marsh/West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh/West Scrape
  • 1 Kingfisher - West Scrape

Other: Fox, 2 Roe deer, 1 Grass snake

Records received from Allen Holmes, Vernon Barker, Amy Thompson

Roe deer © Amy Thompson

Roe deer © Amy Thompson

Black-tailed godwits © Vernon Barker

Black-tailed godwits © Vernon Barker

Tuesday 4th

  • 120+ Gadwall
  • 140+ Teal
  • 61 Pochard
  • 51 Tufted duck
  • 32 Cormorant
  • 4 Little egret
  • 8 Grey heron
  • 18 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 1 Hobby - over Black Carr Field
  • 2 Water rail - one on West Scrape and one from St Catherines Hide
  • 91 Coot
  • 1 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 350+ Lapwing
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 11 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Green sandpiper - cell 3b and West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 12 Sand martin
  • 1 Willow warbler
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat
  • 25+ Goldfinch

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Andy Dalton

Hobby © Allen Holmes

Hobby © Allen Holmes

juvenile Black-tailed godwit © Allen Holmes

juvenile Black-tailed godwit © Allen Holmes

Monday 3rd

  • 2 Shelduck - cell 1b
  • 1 Pintail - female on the Lagoon
  • 3 Marsh harrier - adult male, imm male and cc
  • 4 Sparrowhawk - 3 together over Piper Marsh and female perched at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Buzzard - Piper Marsh and over Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Hobby - Piper Marsh (carrying dragonflies away?)
  • 3 Water rail - one on the Lagoon and an adult and immature on West Scrape
  • 1 Curlew - NE
  • 10 Black-tailed godwit - Piper Marsh/West Scrape/cell 1b/cell 3b
  • 7 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh/West Scrape/cell 3b
  • 1 Greenshank - cell 1b/West Scrape
  • 11 Snipe - West Scrape/cell 3b
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Willow tit

Records received from Gary Dyson, Allen Holmes, Richard Scott, Rob Ellett

Willow tit © Rob Ellett

Willow tit © Rob Ellett

Lesser black-backed gull © Steve Martin

Lesser black-backed gull © Steve Martin

Sunday 2nd

  • 21 Mute swan - 14 adults and 7 young
  • Wigeon - some noted on cell 2a
  • 2 Little Egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Hobby - over Huxter Well Marsh towards the iPort
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 6 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh and West Scrape
  • 1 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Marsh/Willow tit - Willow Pool

Records received from Sue Cullen

Stock dove © Allen Holmes

Stock dove © Allen Holmes

Saturday 1st

  • 7 Little egret
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 SANDERLING - cell 1b
  • 6 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 5 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 5 Common tern - cell 1b
  • 1 Stock dove - West Scrape
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Access Track
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - near Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Pied wagtail - West Scrape

Other: 2 Roe deer in Black Carr Field

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw, Allen Holmes

Sanderling © Adrian Andruchiw

Sanderling © Adrian Andruchiw

August 2018

Friday 31st

  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - Decoy Lake
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - juvs on cell 3b
  • 8 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh/Huxter Well Marsh/West Scrape
  • 5 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh/West Scrape
  • 5 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Rossington Bank

Records received from Richard Scott

Thursday 30th

  • 25 Mute swan - including 8 juveniles
  • 140+ Gadwall
  • 110+ Teal
  • 24 Shoveler
  • 43 Pochard
  • 11 Tufted duck
  • 10 Little grebe
  • 2 Hobby
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 480+ Lapwing
  • 8 Black-tailed godwit - 5 on West Scrape and 3 on cell 3b
  • 8 Green sandpiper
  • 1 Greenshank
  • 4 Snipe
  • 3 Common tern - including 1 juvenile
  • 1 Green woodpecker - near Piper Marsh Hide
  • 2 Coal tit
  • 1 SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - near the first dipping pond
  • 1 Greenfinch - VC feeders

Records received from David Beresford

Wednesday 29th

  • 1 Hobby - hunting over Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Ringed plover - cell 1b
  • c800 Lapwing - West Scrape/Huxter Well Marsh
  • 16 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape/Huxter Well Marsh
  • 8 Green sandpiper - West Scrape/cell 3b
  • 7 Common tern - including 3 juvs

Records received from Gary Dyson

Roe deer © Vernon Barker

Roe deer © Vernon Barker

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

Tuesday 28th

  • 1 Wigeon - Lagoon
  • 140+ Gadwall
  • 51 Teal
  • 12 Tufted duck
  • 25 Pochard
  • 6 Cormorant
  • 2 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Little egret
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - catching dragonflies over Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh
  • c300 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 12 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Common sandpiper - Lagoon
  • 7 Green Sandpiper - West scrape and cell 3b
  • 3 Snipe - cell 3b
  • 5 Common tern - on Huxter Well Marsh included 2 juveniles, one being fed
  • 16 Swift - SW
  • 1 Green woodpecker - from Hawthorn Bank
  • 3 Jay
  • c10 Sand Martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • c50 House Martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - 2 at Huxter Well Marsh and one at Old Eaa
  • 9 Chiffchaff - calling
  • 4 Willow warbler - calling
  • 2 Blackcap - calling
  • 1 Whitethroat - from Mitchell Hide
  • 1 Reed warbler - from Mitchell Hide
  • 1 Treecreeper - Black Carr Field
  • c60 Starling - in small groups feeding on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Mistle thrush - Access Track
  • 2 Bullfinch - Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 4 Reed bunting - from Mitchell Hide

Other: 4 Roe deer

Records received from Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Mick Bellas, Dave Harding, Phil Goacher, Keith Lynes, Doug Smith, Michael Bird, Vernon Barker, Mark Roberts

Llama (used for habitat control) © Matthew Christou

Llama (used for habitat control) © Matthew Christou

Common sexton beetle © Matthew Christou

Common sexton beetle © Matthew Christou

Monday 27th

  • Mute swan - groups of 5 and 6 cygnets
  • 5+ Little egret - together from Duchess Hide, more seen around the reserve
  • Grey heron - good numbers, mainly juveniles
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 1 Hobby - in the dead Oak at Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kestrel - Entrance
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - Piper then West Scrape
  • 5 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh
  • Greenshanks - number and location not specified
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Stock dove - Piper Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker - juv.

Other: Water vole

Records received from Richard Collis, Allen Holmes, Rob Burns, Lisa Hodgkinson

juvenile Grey heron © Allen Holmes

juvenile Grey heron © Allen Holmes

Sunday 26th

  • 2 Little egret
  • 6 Little grebe
  • 1 Water rail - juv. at Willow Pool
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape/Piper Marsh
  • 1 Dunlin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Green sandpiper - Huxter Well Marsh and Piper Marsh
  • 2 Snipe
  • 8 Common tern - 5 adults and 3 juvs
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Seven Arches Carr
  • 2 Jay - near VC
  • 200+ House martin - with a few Sand martins and Swallows
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - near Mitchell Hide

Records received from Sue Cullen, Adrian Andruchiw

juvenile Common tern © Adrian Andruchiw

juvenile Common tern © Adrian Andruchiw

Saturday 25th

  • 25+ Pochard
  • 1 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Little egret
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Hobby
  • 4 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 6 Green sandpiper - 5 on West Scrape and one on Piper Marsh
  • 5 Snipe
  • 7 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6 Swift
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 2+ Great spotted woodpecker

Other: 1 Roe deer, dead Mole on Loversall Field

Records received from Allen Holmes, Darren Wozencroft, Andrew Leggett, Sue and Roger Bird

Friday 24th

  • 1 Water rail
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit
  • 6 Green sandpiper
  • 1 Greenshank
  • 2 Common tern
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 1 SPOTTED FLYCATCHER- along Hawthorn Bank near St Caths hide (GD)

Records received from Gary Dyson

Spotted flycatcher © Gary Dyson

Spotted flycatcher © Gary Dyson

Dragonfly skin following emergence © Matthew Christou

Dragonfly skin following emergence © Matthew Christou

Thursday 23rd

  • 2 Bittern - one on Huxter Well Marsh and one seen from the VC flying over Decoy Lake (flushed from Loversall Pool)
  • 1 RED KITE - seen from the VC flying over Loversall Delph (GD)
  • 2 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Buzzard - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel - Huxter Well Marshon
  • 1 Hobby
  • 2 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - 5 West Scrape and one on cell 3b
  • 1 Common sandpiper - Lagoon
  • 13 Green sandpiper - 3 on Piper Marsh and 10 on West Scrape
  • 1 Greenshank - Piper Marsh
  • 5 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother drain at the entrance
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Beeston Plantation
  • 2 Willow tit - in tit flocks on Willow Bank and in St Caths Copse
  • c60 Sand martin - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Swallow - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - singing near West Scrape Hide
  • 5 Chiffchaff - calling
  • 1 Willow warbler - singing in Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 14+ Blackcap - calling
  • 1 Garden warbler - hedgerows between VC and the ponds
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat - hedgerows between VC and the ponds
  • 2 Reed warbler - at the back of West Scrape
  • 1 Song thrush
  • 1 SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - in the dead Hawthorn next to the Dragonfly Pond (AD)
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape
  • 3 Bullfinch

Butterflies: Painted lady and Brown argus

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Andy Dalton, Tina Langford, Bev Walker, Gary Dyson, Ian and Janet Heppenstall, visitor reports

Wednesday 22nd

  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Common sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper  - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 4 Snipe
  • 1 Green woodpecker - calling near the Access Track
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker Willow Bank

Other: 2 Muntjac - Willow Bank, 1 Grass snake - Hawthorn Bank

Records received from Sue Brook

Tuesday 21st

  • 2 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 2 Wigeon - cell 1b
  • 110+ Gadwall
  • 50+ Teal
  • 16 Pochard
  • 10 Little grebe
  • 5 Great crested grebe - including 3 young
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Buzzard
  • Peregrine - male, female and juv at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Hobby
  • 2 Water rail
  • 5 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 5 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • c300 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - juveniles on West Scrape
  • 6 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh and West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - juv on West Scrape
  • 1 Greenshank - West Scrape
  • 8 Snipe - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Kingfisher
  • 2 Green woodpecker
  • 4 Long-tailed tit
  • 50+ Sand martin
  • 11 Swallow
  • 1+ House martin
  • 2 Cetti's warbler
  • 6 Chiffchaff - calling 
  • 4 Blackcap - calling
  • 1 Whitethroat - juv in front of Mitchell Hide 
  • 6 Reed warbler - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 70 Starling - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Bullfinch  - Loversall Delph
  • 1 Reed bunting - in front of Mitchell Hide

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Brian Buckle, Gary Dyson, Vernon Barker, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Sheila Bury

mating Migrant hawkers © Vernon Barker

mating Migrant hawkers © Vernon Barker

Monday 20th

  • 2 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Green sandpiper
  • 5 Snipe
  • 4 Common tern
  • 1 Swift
  • 30+ Sand martin
  • 1 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Pied wagtail

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw

Sunday 19th

  • 5 Little egret
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Common sandpiper - Piper Marsh
  • 5 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh and West Scrape
  • 8 Lesser black-backed gull - West Scrape
  • 1 Treecreeper - in a tit flock along the Access Track

Records received from Sue Cullen

Grey heron © Matthew Christou

Grey heron © Matthew Christou

Saturday 18th

  • 1 Sparrowhawk - West Scrape
  • 1 Peregrine - a juvenile eating a pigeon on the wing over Black Carr field, mobbed by Hobby
  • 1 Hobby - seen over West scrape and Black Carr Field
  • 3 Green sandpiper - West scrape
  • 1 Greenshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Snipe - over West Scrape
  • 1 Green woodpecker - West Scrape

Records received from Allen Holmes

Peregrine © Allen Holmes

Peregrine © Allen Holmes

Friday 17th

1 REDSTART - a female was trapped and ringed

Records received from Bev Baxter per Jim Horsfall

Redstart © Rebekah Beaumont

Redstart © Rebekah Beaumont

Peacock butterfly © credit Matthew Christou

Peacock butterfly © credit Matthew Christou

Thursday 16th

  • 24 Mute swan 
  • 23 Canada geese
  • 1 Wigeon
  • 1 Red crested pochard -  female/immature on cell 2a
  • 10 Cormorant
  • 2 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Little egret
  • 4 Grey heron
  • 10 Little grebe
  • 4 Great crested grebe 
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 2 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Hobby - flew into Piper Marsh, landed had a drink and then flew off. Also seen hunting over Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 2 Little ringed plover - juvs on West Scrape
  • 4 Common sandpiper - Piper Marsh
  • 7 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh/West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern
  • 6 Swift HW
  • 1 Kingfisher - near the pumping station
  • 2 Jay
  • 150+ Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Swallow over - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 8 Chiffchaff
  • 4 Blackcap - feeding on Elder berries along Loversall Bank
  • 5 Reed warbler - West Scrape

Records received from Andy Dalton, Sue and Roger Bird, David Beresford, Gary Dyson, visitor reports

Green sandpiper © Barry Wardley

Green sandpiper © Barry Wardley

Tuesday 14th

  • 70+ Gadwall
  • 20+ Teal
  • 10 Pochard
  • 32 Tufted duck
  • 3 Little egret
  • 12 Grey heron
  • 9 Little grebe
  • 8 Great crested grebe - including 3 young
  • 2 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - seen twice
  • 1 Water rail
  • 1 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 250+ lapwing
  • 8 Green sandpiper - 5 on Piper Marsh and 3 elsewhere
  • 8+ Snipe - 8 seen in flight over Huxter Well Marsh, 2 on West Scrape and 2 from Mitchell Hide
  • 3 Common tern
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain
  • 20 Swift - SW
  • 100+ Sand martin - passing through
  • 2 Bullfinch - pair next to Duchess Hide

Butterflies: several Speckled woods and 3 Meadow brown

Records received from Keith Lynes, Michael Bird, Brian Buckle, Helen Womack, Adrian Andruchiw, Sue Bird, Dave Carroll, Gary Dyson

Migrant hawker © Vernon Barker

Migrant hawker © Vernon Barker

Devil's-bit scabious © Keith Lynes

Devil's-bit scabious © Keith Lynes

Monday 13th

  • 2 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - juvs on cell 3b then flew north
  • 8 Green sandpiper - 6 on West Scrape, singles on East Scrape and Piper Marsh
  • 7 Snipe - 6 on West Scrape and one on East Scrape
  • 3 Common tern

Other: 4 Roe deer, 1 Fox, Red-veined darter

Records received from Allen Holmes

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

Sunday 12th (includes WeBS count)

  • 1 Wigeon - cell 3b
  • 104 Gadwall
  • 108 Teal
  • 155 Mallard
  • 6 Little egret
  • 37 Little grebe
  • 9 Great crested grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - juv at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 202 Coot
  • 2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 47 Lapwing
  • Green sandpiper - 5 on West Scrape and on Decoy Marsh
  • 4 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 30 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Seven Arches Carr/Piper Marsh
  • 300+ Sand martin - feeding over Huxter Well Marsh but also drifting SW
  • 1 Yellow wagtail - S
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Dave Carroll, Mark Roberts, Sue Cullen

Water rail © Matthew Christou

Water rail © Matthew Christou

Emerald damselfly © Allen Holmes

Emerald damselfly © Allen Holmes

Saturday 11th

  • 3 Little egret
  • 6 Little grebe - cell 1b
  • 2 Marsh harrier - juveniles
  • 1 Water rail - immature at West Scrape
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 5 Green sandpiper - 2 at West Scrape and 3 at Piper Marsh
  • 6 Snipe - West Scrape and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Kingfisher - Mother Drain and West Scrape
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat - in front of Mitchell Hide

Other: large Chub in Mother drain, Roe deer having a paddle in Piper Marsh, Common blue butterfly - male and female on ring main 

Dragonflies: Brown, Migrant & Southern hawkers, Emperor dragonfly

Damselflies: Emerald and Blue-tailed

Records received from Allen Holmes, Michael Bird

Kingfisher © Roy Day

Kingfisher © Roy Day

Lesser whitethroat © Allen Holmes

Lesser whitethroat © Allen Holmes

Friday 10th

  • 13 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • 3 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - juveniles on Huxter Well Marsh, one with a kill that looked like a gull
  • 2 Buzzard 
  • 1 Water rail - calling on West Scrape 
  • 15 Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 6 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 10 Snipe - West Scrape 
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Stock dove - West Scrape 
  • 6 Swift - feeding over Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Kingfisher - calling on Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • c150 hirundines - over Huxter Well Marsh, 2/3 were Sand martins
  • 9 Chiffchaff - calling
  • 2 Blackcap - calling 
  • 2 Reed warbler - in front of Piper Marsh hide
  • 1 Treecreeper - calling along Hawthorn Bank

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird

Harvestman (Dicranopalpus ramosus) © Derek Parker

Harvestman (Dicranopalpus ramosus) © Derek Parker

juvenile Marsh harrier © Allen Holmes

juvenile Marsh harrier © Allen Holmes

Wednesday 8th

  • 1 Bittern
  • 1 Little egret - Willow Pool
  • 3 Marsh harrier
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 10 Green sandpiper - Piper Marsh/West Scrape
  • 12 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 3 Common tern
  • 1 Barn owl - over Short Lane fields in the evening
  • 7 Swift
  • 1 Green woodpecker
  • 1 Goldcrest

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw, Gary Dyson, John Evans, Brenda Mccabe

Common tern © Adrian Andruchiw

Common tern © Adrian Andruchiw

Tuesday 7th

  • 2 Shelduck - juvs on West Scrape
  • 9 Pochard
  • 70+ Gadwall
  • 23 Tufted duck
  • 14 Teal
  • 14 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern - Piper Marsh
  • 4 Little egret
  • 7+ Grey heron
  • 9 Little grebe - including 3 young
  • 5 Great crested grebe - including 3 young
  • 3 Marsh harrier - female and 2 juveniles on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 300+ Lapwing
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 10 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 6 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Herring gull - 2 adults and 2 juveniles on Decoy Lake
  • 2 Green woodpecker - Central Grassland
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Coal tit - Black Carr Field
  • 3 Swallow - SW
  • 3 House martin - from VC
  • 8 Blackcap - included a family party in Hawthorn Field
  • 1 Nuthatch - Black Carr Wood
  • 2 Treecreeper - one Loversall Bank and one in Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Bullfinch - Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 4 Reed bunting - in front of Mitchell Hide

Butterflies: Brown argus near Old Eaa hide, Red admiral, 2 male and 3 female Common blue, many Speckled woods

Other: young Roe deer

Records received from Dave Carroll, Sue and Roger Bird, Vernon Barker, Helen Womack, Michael Bird, Keith Lynes

Sloe shield bug © Allen Holmes

Sloe shield bug © Allen Holmes

Common green shield bug © Allen Holmes

Common green shield bug © Allen Holmes

Monday 6th

  • 1 Bittern - cell 2a
  • 6 Little egret
  • 250+ Lapwing - West Scrape
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 6 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 4 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 200+ Starling - West Scrape

Records received from Richard Patterson

Mayfly © Derek Parker

Mayfly © Derek Parker

Sunday 5th

  • 1 Bittern - seen in flight from Tofield Hide
  • 9 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh Harrier - cc
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 2 Black tailed godwit - cell 3b
  • 2 Common sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 2 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 17 Swift - single group towards the iPort

Records received from Sue Cullen, visitor report

Saturday 4th

  • 2 Bittern - one flew across Decoy Lake seen from the VC, one on the Lagoon
  • 11 Grey heron
  • 3 Marsh harrier - female and 2 juveniles. One of the juvs was appreciably larger than the other, so I'm assuming the juvs are a male and female.
  • 3 Water rail - calling at Piper Marsh and cell 3b, one seen at West Scrape
  • 10 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 5 Green sandpiper - West Scrape/Piper Marsh
  • 5 Snipe - 3 at West Scrape, singles at East Scrape and cell 2a
  • 2 Common tern - adults catching fish at Huxter Well Marsh and taking them in the direction of the iPort Lakes
  • 4 Swift - W
  • 2+ Green woodpecker
  • 3+ Great spotted woodpecker
  • 2 Cetti's warbler - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat - Big Hedge
  • 1 Yellow wagtail - over Central Grassland
  • 1 Greenfinch - Big Hedge
  • Reed bunting - adult feeding young on the path near Big Hedge

Records received from the Café staff, Andy Fell, Allen Holmes, Richard Scott

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Friday 3rd

  • 3 Shelduck - juveniles on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 22 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • 7 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 9 Grey heron
  • 3 Marsh harrier - female and 2 juveniles on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape 
  • 2 Oystercatcher - 1b 
  • c400 Lapwing - West Scrape 
  • 39 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 2 Dunlin - West Scrape 
  • 6 Green sandpiper - 4 on Piper Marsh and 2 on East Scrape 
  • 4 Common tern - West Scrape 
  • 4 Herring gull - on Decoy Lake, the 2 adults and 2 young from Sedum House 
  • 1 Kingfisher - near the pumping station 
  • 1 Green woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Jay - on the Access track
  • 2 House martin - over East Scrape 
  • 4 Chiffchaff - calling
  • Blackcap - 3 family parties
  • Reed warbler 2 family parties 
  • 3 Pied wagtail - from Tofield hide 
  • 3 Bullfinch - Hawthorn field 
  • 4 Reed bunting - feeding along the path near West Scrape Hide

Records received from Sue and Roger Bird, Friday volunteer

History of a colour-ringed Avocet seen at Potteric on 21st April 2018

Grey heron with Grass snake © Iain Macaulay

Grey heron with Grass snake © Iain Macaulay

Thursday 2nd

  • 4 Shelduck - including 3 juvs
  • 140+ Gadwall
  • 40+Teal
  • 23 Cormorant
  • 12 Little egret
  • 3 Marsh harrier - including a juv
  • 1 Water rail
  • 23+ Lapwing
  • 5 Snipe
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Green sandpiper
  • 2 Common tern

Records received from Adrian Andruchiw, David Beresford

Snipe © Adrian Andruchiw

Snipe © Adrian Andruchiw

Marsh harrier © Nidge Nilsen

juvenile Marsh harrier © Nidge Nilsen

Wednesday 1st

  • 5 Shelduck - 2 adults on cell 1b and 3 juveniles on West Scrape
  • 2+ Bittern - cell 3b seen from Mitchell Hide
  • 35 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Grey heron - Piper Marsh and Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - female and juv over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Buzzard - over Loversall Pool
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 5 Green sandpiper - 4 on Piper Marsh and one at East Scrape
  • 2 Snipe - West Scrape
  • 6 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Young Eaa
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - cell 3b

Records received from Paul Paddock, Richard Scott, Iain Macaulay

Bittern © Paul Paddock

Bittern © Paul Paddock

July 2018

31st August - Tuesday

  • 3 Shelduck - juvs on West Scrape
  • 90+ Gadwall
  • 5 Pochard - including one female with 3 young
  • 19 Tufted duck
  • 7 Bittern - 3 at Huxter Well Marsh and one at Piper Marsh
  • 3 Little egret - Lagoon
  • 3 Grey heron - Piper Marsh
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 8 Great crested grebe - including 3 young
  • 2 Marsh harrier - female and juvenile
  • 1 Buzzard - over Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Peregrine - Piper Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 5 Little ringed plover - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 240+ Lapwing
  • 6 Green sandpiper - West Scrape and Piper Marsh
  • 1 Snipe - Piper Marsh
  • 3 Common tern - fishing on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Common gull - adult on West Scrape
  • 50+ Woodpigeon - flew over Huxter Well
  • 6 Swift - W
  • 1 Kingfisher - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Goldcrest - Black Carr Wood
  • 10 Sand martin - singles south
  • 1 Whitethroat - juv in front of Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Reed warbler - Piper Marsh
  • 1 Song thrush - a young bird in front of Duchess Hide
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape 
  • 4 Reed bunting - family party in front of Mitchell Hide 

Butterflies: 2 Holly blues, several Speckled woods and a few Gatekeepers, Common blue and Brown argus

Other: 1 Grass snake alongside the ring main near the motorway

Records received from VB, MR, GPD, SB, DC, KL, BGAB, MAB, DW, visitor reports

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

29th July - Sunday

  • 2 Shelduck
  • 24 Cormorant
  • 4 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Ringed plover - cell 1b
  • 2 Common sandpiper - cell 1b
  • 7 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 6 Snipe
  • Woodpigeon - a large movement was noted
  • 80 Swift

Records received from SC, DW

Peacock © Matthew Christou

Peacock © Matthew Christou

Comma © Matthew Christou

Comma © Matthew Christou

28th July - Saturday

Butterflies: 1 Small copper, 1 Brown argus, 5 Common blue

Dragonflies: 1 Broad-bodied chaser

Records received from DW

Southern hawker © Darren Wozencroft

Southern hawker © Darren Wozencroft

Small copper © Darren Wozencroft

Small copper © Darren Wozencroft

26th July - Thursday

  • 80+ Gadwall
  • 60+ Teal
  • 3 Bittern - one flew from East Scrape and 2 juvs on cell 3b
  • 3 Little egret
  • 9 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 2 Water rail - Decoy Marsh and Piper Marsh
  • 80+ Lapwing
  • c60 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 2 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 3 Snipe - Piper Marsh
  • 4 Jay
  • 1 Cetti's warbler
  • 6 Reed warbler
  • 1 Greenfinch
  • 2 Reed bunting

Records received from GPD, DB

male Banded demoiselle © Vernon Barker

male Banded demoiselle © Vernon Barker

25th July - Wednesday

  • 2 Bittern - female and juv from Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Little egret
  • 4 Grey heron - Huxter and Piper Marsh
  • 2 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 3 Reed warbler - in front of Mitchell Hide

Butterflies: Purple hairstreak in Black Carr Field, Large white, Small white, Peacock, Speckled wood, Gatekeeper, Skippers

Records received from PP

Reed warbler © Paul Paddock

Reed warbler © Paul Paddock

24th July - Tuesday

  • 70+ Gadwall
  • 10 Pochard
  • 22 Tufted duck
  • 18 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern
  • 5 Little egret
  • 9 Grey heron
  • 2 Little grebe
  • 4 Great crested grebe - including one young
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male
  • 125+ Lapwing
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - cell 1b
  • 5 Green sandpiper - singles on Piper Marsh and East Scrape and 3 on West Scrape
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 350+ Black-headed gull
  • 1 Herring gull - West Scrape
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Willow Pool
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - near Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Greenfinch - near the pumping station

Butterflies: Brown argus, Red admiral, Speckled woods, Peacocks, Gatekeepers, Skippers, Meadow browns

Other: female Roe deer with one young, small Grass snake near Mitchell Hide

Records received from GPD, KL, VB, MAB, BGAB, DP and the Tuesday volunteers

Pheasant © Iain Macaulay

Pheasant © Iain Macaulay

Emperor dragonfly laying eggs © Keith Lynes

Emperor dragonfly laying eggs © Keith Lynes

23rd July - Monday

  • 1 Shelduck - juv on West Scrape
  • Pheasant - female and at least 3/4 young in the car park
  • 1 Bittern - West Scrape
  • 2 Little egret - West Scrape
  • 2 Marsh harrier - adult female and juv
  • 1 Hobby - in the dead oak at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - juv at Willow Marsh
  • 2 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 6 Black-tailed godwit - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Common sandpiper - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Green sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 3 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Hawthorn Bank
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat - Big Hedge
  • 2 Nuthatch - Beeston Plantation

Records received from SF, MR, AHo, IM

Bittern © Allen Holmes

Bittern © Allen Holmes

Oystercatcher © Allen Holmes

Oystercatcher © Allen Holmes

22nd July - Sunday

Butterflies: Brown Argus - at least 8 on Willow Bank and one on Loversall Bank, Purple Hairstreak on Willow Bank

Records received from IH, JH

21st July - Saturday

  • 1 Bittern
  • 14 Little egret - Piper Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - adult female with white shoulders and a juvenile
  • 5 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Green sandpiper
  • 1 Cetti's warbler
  • 2 Linnet

Butterflies: Brimstone, Comma, Gatekeeper, Large white, Peacock, Ringlet, Speckled wood

Other: 5-spot Burnet (adult), Cinnabar (larvae), Dock bugs, Broad-bodied chaser, Twin-lobed deerfly

Records received from AA, JMc, DP, KLi

Grey heron © Vernon Barker

Grey heron © Vernon Barker

19th July - Thursday

  • 26 Mute swan - plus 10 young
  • 10 Greylag geese
  • 54 Canada geese
  • 80+ Gadwall
  • 15 Teal
  • 1 Shoveler
  • 26 Tufted duck
  • 50+ Pochard 
  • 14 Cormorant
  • 3 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 10 Little egret
  • 8 Grey heron
  • 10 Little grebe - plus 8 young
  • 9 Great crested grebe - plus 3 young
  • 3 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 120+ Lapwing
  • 3 Black-tailed godwit
  • 1 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 3 Swift
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 1 Cetti's warbler 
  • 11 Chiffchaff - including 5 fledglings along Hawthorn Bank
  • 2 Blackcap
  • 6 Reed warbler
  • 3 Pied wagtail
  • 1 Greenfinch
  • 2 Reed bunting

Records received from DB, M.Roper, visitor reports

female Banded demoiselle © Colin O'Neil

female Banded demoiselle © Colin O'Neil

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

Green sandpiper © Vernon Barker

18th July - Wednesday

  • 1 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 5 Bittern - seen from Mitchell Hide between 4.40pm and 5.15pm
  • 3 Little egret - West Scrape
  • 2 Grey Heron- West Scrape
  • 4 Avocet- West Scrape
  • 2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 84 Lapwing - West Scrape
  • 9 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - juvenile on West Scrape
  • 279 Black headed gull - including 21 juvs on West Scrape
  • 3 Lesser black-backed gull - including a leucistic bird

Records received from SS

Bittern © Martin Roper

Bittern © Martin Roper

17th July - Tuesday

  • 80+ Gadwall
  • 22 Pochard
  • 23 Tufted duck
  • 8 Little egret
  • 10 Grey heron
  • 6 Little grebe
  • 6 Great crested grebe - including 3 young
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 4 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 76 Lapwing
  • 1 Common sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper - 2 on East Scrape and singles on West Scrape and Piper Marsh
  • 220+ Black-headed gull
  • 6 Swift
  • 8 Swallow

Butterflies: 1 Red admiral, 3 Peacocks, several Gatekeepers, a few Speckled woods

Records received from KL, MAB, BGAB, VB

Silver-washed fritillary (taken on 15th) © Phil Woods

Silver-washed fritillary (taken on 15th) © Phil Woods

Silver-washed fritillary (taken on 15th) © Phil Woods

Silver-washed fritillary (taken on 15th) © Phil Woods

16th July - Monday

  • Pochard - female with 7 young on cell 3b
  • 26 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 5 Buzzard
  • 4 Avocet - 2 adults and 2 young on West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - cell 1b
  • 1 Green sandpiper - East and West Scrape
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Common gull - adult and 2cy on cell 1b
  • c30 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 17 Swallow - East Scrape
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - calling in Big Hedge
  • 1 Grey wagtail - over Loversall Field

Records received from RJS

some of the egrets and herons gathered in the dead oak at Huxter Well Marsh © Richard Scott

some of the egrets and herons gathered in the dead oak at Huxter Well Marsh © Richard Scott

15th July - Sunday  (includes WeBS count)

  • 128 Gadwall
  • 93 Mallard
  • 60 Pochard - 50 of which were on cell 2a
  • 20 Cormorant
  • 1 Bittern - cell 1b
  • 5 Little egret
  • 14 Grey heron
  • 30 Little grebe
  • 14 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - females
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 1 Water rail - calling from cell 1b
  • 180 Coot
  • 4 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 5 Oystercatcher
  • 2 Little ringed plover - cell 2a
  • 92 Lapwing - 86 of which were on West Scrape
  • 3 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 2 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 1 Kingfisher - cell 1b
  • 3 Jay - near Cottage Drain Hide

Butterflies: SILVER-WASHED FRITILLARY - a first for the reserve (PW)

Records received from MR, SC, PW

14th July - Saturday

  • 7 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 4 Great crested grebe - plus 3 young
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 38 Lapwing
  • c550 Black-headed gull
  • 15 Lesser black-backed gull

Butterflies: 3 Comma, 2 Peacock, 1 Brimstone, 1 Common blue, several Gatekeepers, Meadow browns, Speckled wood and a few Skippers and Ringlets

Records received from KL

female Ruddy darter © Keith Lynes

female Ruddy darter © Keith Lynes

Broad-leaved helleborine © Keith Lynes

Broad-leaved helleborine © Keith Lynes

12th July - Thursday

  • 3 Teal - West Scrape
  • 50+ Pochard
  • 18 Cormorant - cell 1b 
  • 2 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 14 Little egret
  • 11 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - females 
  • 4 Kestrel - have left the nest and are in a large oak, 2 young and 2 adults
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 1 Water rail - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 1 Golden plover - adult in breeding plumage on West Scrape but was constantly hassled by the Lapwings
  • 3 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 33 Lapwing
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 2 Snipe - East Srape
  • 2 Common tern 
  • 126 Black-headed gull - on West Scrape, 6 were juveniles
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - along the Access track
  • 1 Cetti's warbler
  • 4 Swallow - over East Scrape
  • 1 Greenfinch
  • 2 Linnet - near Tofield Hide

Other: Muntjac at Willow Pool

Records received from GPD, SB, RB, DB, BM

11th July - Wednesday

  • 2+ Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 5 Avocet - including 3 juvs at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh

Other: 1 Broad-leaved helleborine (Orchid)

Records received from SF

Common tern © Vernon Barker

Common tern © Vernon Barker

10th July - Tuesday

  • 1 Bittern
  • 3 Little egret
  • 5 Grey heron
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female sparring with a Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 4 Lapwing
  • 1 Curlew - N over the compound just after 9am
  • 1 Common tern
  • 1 Kingfisher - several sightings at Decoy Lake

Butterflies: Dark green fritillary at Adams Field, Purple Hairstreak on the path behind Decoy Lake

Records received from MR, VB, AD

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

Marsh harrier © Vernon Barker

9th July - Monday

  • 3 Bittern - 2 near Mitchell Hide and one flew from Piper Marsh to Seven Arches Carr
  • 8 Little egret
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • Buzzard, Black Carr Wood
  • 6 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - over 
  • 4 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 4 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 2 Snipe - East Scrape
  • 3 Common tern - from Mitchell Hide
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain near the pumping station
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 1 Willow tit - in a tit flock in Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 1 Cetti's warbler

Other: Stoat on Loversall Bank, Roe deer

Records received from PH, MR

Grey heron in an unusual stance © Norman Clarkson

Grey heron in an unusual stance © Norman Clarkson

emerging Dragonfly © Chris Cull

emerging Dragonfly © Chris Cull

6th July - Friday

  • 2+ Bittern - several sightings at Huxter Well Marsh and Piper Marsh

Other: Muntjac seen from Duchess Hide

Records received from VB, AT

Muntjac © Amy Thompson

Muntjac © Amy Thompson

5th July - Thursday

  • 10 Cormorant - cell 1b 
  • 2 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 15 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - over Huxter Well Marsh, it buzzed a female marsh harrier and drove it off
  • 2 Buzzard - from Mitchell Hide 
  • 2 Kestrel - female and young
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West Scrape 
  • 38 Lapwing - on West Scrape included the well grown young
  • 2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape 
  • 18 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape included the colour-ringed and tagged bird
  • 4 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 155 Black-headed gull - cell 1b
  • 1 Stock dove - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Swift over - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 2 Jay - Loversall Bank 
  • 1 Cetti's warbler - singing near West Scrape 
  • 4 Treecreeper - family party on trees in St Caths Field
  • 2 Reed bunting - singing near Tofield Hide 

Records received from SB, RB, GD

Black-tailed skimmer © Allen Holmes

Black-tailed skimmer © Allen Holmes

4th July - Wednesday

  • 1 Bittern
  • 3 Marsh harrier - soaring high
  • 1 Water rail - East Scrape
  • 2 Little ringed plover - juvs
  • 18 Black-tailed godwit - including a colour-ringed and satellite-tagged bird
  • 3 Dunlin
  • 1 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 1 Redshank
  • 1 Common tern

Records received from GPD, MR

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Little egret © Vernon Barker

Grey heron © Vernon Barker

Grey heron © Vernon Barker

3rd July - Tuesday

  • Mute swan - with one cygnet
  • 80+ Gadwall
  • 38 Teal
  • Mallard - with 2 chicks
  • 2 Shoveler - pair
  • 45 Pochard - including a female with 4 young on Willow Marsh
  • 14 Tufted duck
  • 15 Cormorant
  • 3 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6+ Little egret
  • 12+ Grey heron
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 1 Black-necked grebe - the first sighting since 15th June
  • 6 Great crested Grebe
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females, one in wing moult
  • 2 Sparrowhawk
  • 2 Buzzard - over Beeston Plantation 
  • 1 Kestrel - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 1 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 36 Lapwing
  • 4 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Green sandpiper - East Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - fishing on Piper Marsh
  • 30 Lesser black-backed gull - including 2 adults and one young on Sedum House roof 
  • 4 Herring gull - on Sedum House roof, 2 adults and 2 young
  • 6 Swift
  • 1 Kingfisher - Piper Marsh 
  • 5 Jay - 2 at Willow Bank and 3 in Iron Bridge area
  • 1 Swallow
  • 10 House martin - feeding over the poplars from VC

Butterflies: Painted lady next to VC, 6+ Purple hairstreak seen along Willow Bank, from Hawthorn Bank hide and in the oaks in the main carpark, 2 Holly blue, 3 Comma, 1 Small tortoiseshell, many Ringlets and others include Skippers, Speckled wood, Meadow browns and one or two Gatekeepers

Records received from VB, KL, SB, DC, SBu, visitor records

Black-tailed godwit © Robin Mokryj

Black-tailed godwit © Robin Mokryj

Cinnabar moth caterpillar © Derek Parker

Cinnabar moth caterpillar © Derek Parker

2nd July - Monday

  • 38 Teal - West Scrape 
  • 3/4 Bittern - Huxter well Marsh
  • 8 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Great crested grebe - with 4 young on cell 2a 
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female hunting on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - over Piper Marsh
  • 4 Buzzard - 2 over Huxter Well Marsh and 2 over Beeston Plantation
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 2 Moorhen - with 2 young on West Scrape 
  • 6 Oystercatcher - West Scrape, 2 adults with one young and 3 adults
  • 35 Lapwing - West Scrape 
  • 4 Little ringed plover - West Scrape, 2 adults and 2 young
  • 1 Curlew - flew in from west at 10.30am landing on West Scrape and departing at 11.11am
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape 
  • 3 Green sandpiper - West Scrape 
  • 76 Black-headed gull - West Scrape 
  • 21 Lesser Black-backed gull - West Scrape 
  • 10 Herring gull - 6 on West Scrape and 2 with 2 young on Sedum House roof
  • 5 Swift - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Jay - Cottage drain
  • 4 Sand martin - over Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 14 House martin - watched from VC
  • 6 Chiffchaff - singing
  • 3 Blackcap - singing
  • 2 Whitethroat - singing 
  • 1 Sedge Warbler - singing in Willow Marsh
  • 8 Reed warbler - singing
  • 3 Treecreeper - St Caths Copse with a large mixed tit flock
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape 
  • 2 Reed bunting - singing on Willow Marsh

Moths: The Cinnabar adult & larvae, Six-spot burnet

Butterflies: Comma, Gatekeeper, Ringlet (in large numbers), Small tortoiseshell, Large white, Brimstone, 2 Purple Hairstreak from Hawthorn Bank Hide in oaks to the left of the hide

Dragonflies/Damselflies: Emerald (m and f), Four-spotted chaser, Ruddy darter, Banded demoiselle

Other: Green shield bug (instar)

Records received from SF, RB, SB, DP, DRo

Lapwing © Matthew Christou

Lapwing © Matthew Christou

Curlew © Robin Mokryj

Curlew © Robin Mokryj

1st July - Sunday

  • 2 Bittern
  • 3 Little egret - West Scrape
  • 3 Water Rail - adult seen from Beeston Hide and 2 young birds at Loversall Pool
  • 4 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 4 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape

Records received from SC

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

Roe deer © Allen Holmes

June 2018

29th June - Friday

  • 17 Teal - West Scrape
  • Tufted duck - female with 5 young (about a week old) on Old Eaa Marsh
  • 1 Pheasant - female with 3 young, brought them to drink in the dragonfly ponds
  • 4 Bittern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 7 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh 
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 4 Buzzard - seen from Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 4 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 4 Oystercatcher - West Scrape, a pair with a full grown young plus an adult
  • 78 Lapwing - 76 on West Scrape and 2 on Decoy Lake (young not seen)
  • 2 Little ringed plover - adult and juv on West Scrape
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Common sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well
  • 96 Black-headed gull - West Scrape
  • 24 Lesser black-backed gull - West Scrape
  • 2 Herring gull - West Scrape
  • 8 Swift - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 10 Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh

Butterflies: 2 Comma, 4 Small tortoiseshell, 6 Speckled wood, 2 Gatekeeper, Meadow brown active over grassland, numerous Ringlet over grassland

Dragonflies/Damselflies: 50+ Emerald damselfly on the dragonfly ponds, Large red damselfly in Division drain, numerous Azure damselfly, Brown hawker, Emperor dragonfly, Black-tailed skimmer, Common darter, Ruddy darter

Records received from SB, RB, DC

Bittern © Nidge Nilsen

Bittern © Nidge Nilsen

28th June - Thursday

  • 20 Mute swan - and 7 young (6+1)
  • 19 Greylag geese
  • 47 Canada geese
  • 17 Gadwall
  • 7  Shoveler
  • 70+ Pochard - including 4 chicks
  • 16 Tufted duck
  • 4 Bittern 
  • 3 Little egret
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Little ringed plover
  • 101 Lapwing
  • 1 Black-tailed godwit
  • 2 Redshank
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 5 Jay - including family of 4
  • 1 Swallow
  • 3 Cetti's warbler  
  • 6 Chiffchaff
  • 4 Blackcap
  • 1 Whitethroat
  • 16 Reed warbler
  • 1 Bullfinch
  • 10 Reed bunting

Records received from DB

male Shoveler © Nidge Nilsen

male Shoveler © Nidge Nilsen

26th June - Tuesday

Mallard - female with 3 young on Piper Marsh
Pochard - female with 6 young on cell 3b
2 Bittern - several sightings on Huxter Well Marsh
6 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
5 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh 
Great crested grebe - pair with 4 young on cell 2a
2 RED KITE - circled high over the compound (MR et al)
2 Marsh harrier - male and female
5 Buzzard
2 Kestrel - young on nest
Water rail - adult and 2 young on Loversall Pool
3 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
96 Lapwing - included the juvenile on West Scrape and 3 chicks on Decoy Lake
3 Little ringed plover - 2 adults and one young on West Scrape
2 Redshank - adults on West Scrape
2 Common tern - Lagoon
21 Black-headed gull - including 3 fledged young on West Scrape
2 Herring gull - pair on Sedum House roof
2 Lesser black-backed gull - pair on Sedum House roof
1 Kingfisher - juv behind Education Centre
1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling at Loversall Bank
2 Jay - Willow Marsh 
2 Coal tit - Black Carr Field 
1 Swallow - Huxter Well Marsh
4 Treecreeper - juvs

Other: young Roe deer in St Caths Field, female Muntjac in front of Duchess Hide 

Records received from SB, DC, SBu, MR, AD, VB, RB and the practical volunteers 

Lapwing chick © Rob Mokryj

Lapwing chick © Rob Mokryj

25th June - Monday

  • Mute swan - with four young
  • 14 Teal
  • Bittern
  • 7 Little egret
  • Little grebe - with three young
  • Great crested grebe - with one young
  • Marsh harrier
  • 1 Water rail - calling near Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Avocet
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • Little ringed plover
  • 1 Lapwing - juv
  • 1 Redshank
  • Common tern
  • 3 Swift
  • 2 Cetti's warbler

Records received from AA

Mute swan family © Adrian Andruchiw

Mute swan family © Adrian Andruchiw

24th June - Sunday

  • 9+ Grey heron - 9 on West Scrape and others elsewhere
  • Marsh harrier - female
  • 2 Buzzard
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Water rail - adult and young at Loversall Pool and one from Beeston Hide
  • 3 Oystercatcher
  • Lapwing - with 3 young in front of VC
  • Redshank - with 3 young at West Scrape
  • Common tern
  • 1 Swift
  • 1 Kingfisher - Mother Drain from the uderbridge
  • 1 Swallow

Records received from SC

Grey heron © Paul Langley

Grey heron © Paul Langley

23rd June - Saturday

  • 8 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 33+ Lapwing - Huxter Well Marsh and Decoy Lake
  • 4 Redshank - adult and 3 juvs at West Scrape
  • 11 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4+ Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Garden warbler - Piper Marsh

Butterflies: one Purple hairstreak - Willow Bank, Meadow brown, Ringlet, Large skipper, Small skipper, Comma, Red admiral, Speckled wood, Small Tortoiseshell, White sp.

Moths: Brown china mark

Dragonflies: Black-tailed skimmer, Southern hawker, Brown hawker, Emperor, Common darter

Damselflies: Azure, Blue-tailed, Common blue, Emerald, Large red

Bumblebees: Red-tailed, Buff-tailed, Tree

Other: 1 Smooth newt - Dragonfly Ponds, 1 Grass snake - drain at entrance to VC, 3+ Water voles - 2+ in Division Drain and one at Loversall Delph eating marginal vegetation, 1 Fox, 2 Roe deer

Records received from AB, AHo

Water voles © Allen Holmes

Water voles © Allen Holmes

22nd June - Friday

  • Mute Swan - pair with one young on Piper Marsh and a pair with 5 young on 3b
  • Gadwall - female with 9 young on Piper Marsh
  • 2 Teal - West Scrape
  • 5 Cormorant - cell 1b
  • Bittern
  • 10 Little egret
  • Great crested grebe - pair with 3 new young on cell 2b
  • Marsh harrier - females
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - over Black Carr Wood
  • 3 Buzzard - Huxter Welll Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 3 Water rail - 2 calling on Willow Marsh and one with 2 young on Loversall Pool
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 3 Oystercatcher West Scrape
  • 42 Lapwing - plus 4 young Decoy Lake and one young on West Scrape
  • Little ringed plover - adult and 2 juveniles on West Scrape
  • Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 5 Redshank - including 3 young on West Scrape
  • 14 Black-headed Gull - West Scrape
  • 8 Swift - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Magpie - juveniles on Central grassland
  • 4 Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2+ Cetti's warbler - family calling in the brambles in Big Hedge

Records received from SB, RB, visitor reports 

21st June - Thursday

  • 5 Little egret - in flight over Loversall Pool
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 2 Hobby - from Duchess Hide
  • 5 Water rail - one with 3 young on Loversall Pool and one from Beeston Hide
  • 4 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 4 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • Lapwing - pair in front of the VC still have 4 chicks today
  • 5 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 6 Redshank - pair with 4 young
  • 2 Common tern
  • 1 Lesser whitethroat - still singing throughout the day in the hedges around the VC

Other: Water vole showing well in Division Drain, Roe deer

Records received from GPD, AD, visitor reports per AD

Hobby © Nidge Nilsen

Hobby © Nidge Nilsen

Bittern © Nidge Nilsen

Bittern © Nidge Nilsen

20th June - Wednesday

  • 5 Teal
  • Bittern
  • Marsh harrier
  • Avocet
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • Little ringed plover - 4 adults and a juv
  • Lapwing - 4 young in front of the VC and one on West Scrape
  • 5 Redshank - adult and 4 young
  • Common tern
  • 10 Swift
  • 2 Cetti's warbler

Records received from AA

Lapwing chick © Adrian Andruchiw

Lapwing chick © Adrian Andruchiw

19th June - Tuesday

  • c80 Gadwall - and females with broods of 13 and 8 young on cell 1b
  • 6 Teal
  • 12 Shoveler
  • 19 Pochard
  • 4 Tufted duck
  • 2+ Bittern
  • 7 Little egret - 6 on the Lagoon and one flew in from Carr Lodge in the afternoon
  • 3 Grey heron
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe - plus 2 young
  • Marsh harrier - 3 different females and an adult and sub-adult male at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Buzzard 2 over Corbett Wood and 2 over Seven Arches Carr
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - Piper Marsh
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 5 Oystercatcher - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 92 Lapwing - 86 on West Scrape including 1 young, also a pair have 4 young in front of the VC
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 6 Redshank - 2 adults and 4 young on West Scrape
  • Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh, one remained in the afternoon
  • 10 Lesser black-backed gull - West Scrape
  • 3 Herring gull - one on West Scrape and a pair nesting on the roof of Sedum House
  • 20 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 3 Song thrush - adult and young behind the VC and one on Rossington Bank

Butterflies: Skippers, Meadow browns, Speckled wood, Gatekeepers and Ringlets

Dragonflies/Damselflies: Brown hawker on Rossington Bank, 2 Banded demoiselle in front of VC

Butterflies skippers meadow browns speckled wood gatekeepers and ringlets

Other: Water shrew in grass at the edge of the Old Eaa path

Records received from SB, DC, KL, MAB, AL

Scorpion fly © Derek Parker

Scorpion fly © Derek Parker

18th June - Monday

  • Pochard - female with 4 young from Beeston Hide
  • Bittern
  • 6 Little egret
  • Little Grebe - pair with 4 young from Hawthorn Bank Hide
  • 3 Marsh harrier
  • Hobby - hunting over Huxter Well Marsh at 12.30, one giving great views low over the Lagoon and in the dead oak tree
  • 3 Avocet
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 2 Redshank - with one young
  • Lesser whitethroat - singing in the hedge by the VC and at Loversall Field

Other: 2 Emperor dragonfly, 1 Emerald damselfly, 3 Banded demoiselle, 2 Thick-legged Flower beetle, 2 Knotgrass Leaf beetle, 4 Coreus marginatus (Bug), 1 Sloe Bug, 1 Scorpion fly, 1 Nemophora degeerella (moth), 2 Knot Grass larvae (moth), 2 Beautiful China-mark (moth), 2 Robin's Pincushion Gall, 2 Grass snake

Records received from AD, MR, AHo, DP

Grass snake © Allen Holmes

Grass snake © Allen Holmes

Grey heron © Malcolm Harris

Grey heron © Malcolm Harris

17th June - Sunday  (includes WeBS count)

111 Gadwall - including c80 on West Scrape
5 Teal - West Scrape
92 Mallard
61 Pochard - including 4 young on Willow Marsh
2 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
4 Bittern
10 Little egret
3 Grey heron
17 Little grebe
11 Great crested grebe
2 Marsh harrier - male and female
1 Sparrowhawk - over Black Carr Wood 
4 Buzzard
2 Hobby - over Huxter Well Marsh in the afternoon, one sat on a post in Loversall Carr Field in the morning
1 Water rail - feeding 2 young at Loversall Pool
119 Coot
2 Avocet - West Scrape
10 Lapwing - including the bird still sitting at Decoy Lake
2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape 
5 Redshank - including 4 young on West Scrape 
2 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
30 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
1 Great spotted woodpecker - calling at the back of Loversall Pool 
10 Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
1 Song thrush - singing behind VC

Records received from SB, RB, MR

Bittern © Paul Langley

Bittern © Paul Langley

16th June - Saturday

1 Shelduck
120+ Gadwall
2 Teal
4 Shoveler
2 Little egret
1 Grey heron
1 Marsh harrier - cc
2 Buzzard - over
1 Moorhen - with 4 young
2 Avocet
23 Lapwing - including 1 young
1 Ringed plover
2 Little ringed plover
7 Redshank - including 4 young
10 Black-headed gull

Records received from MAB

Reed warbler © Barry Wardley

Reed warbler © Barry Wardley

15th June - Friday

  • Mute swan - with 3 young on Lagoon
  • Bittern
  • 8 Great crested grebe - and 4+ young
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Kestrel - Central Grassland
  • Hobby - hawking insects at Huxter Well Marsh
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 4 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 3 Redshank - and 2 young on West Scrape
  • Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Black-headed gull - juvenile in flight at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Lesser black-backed gull - West Scrape
  • 1 Great black-backed gull - West Scrape
  • 2 Stock doves - on the island in front of the VC
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 2 Garden warbler
  • 1 Whitethroat
  • 3 Song thrush

Other: Fox, 4 Roe deer, Banded demoiselle and Black-tailed skimmer - St Catherine's Field

Records received from AD, AHo

14th June - Thursday

  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 3 Lapwing - chicks on West Scrape
  • 1+ Redshank - West Scrape
  • Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh

Records received from MR

13th June - Wednesday

  • Bittern
  • 3 Little egret
  • 4 Grey heron
  • SPOONBILL - on cell 1b and then West Scrape
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - male and female
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 4 Redshank - adult and 3 young on West Scrape

Records received from PP

12th June - Tuesday

  • Mute swan - pair with one cygnet at Piper Marsh
  • 1 Shelduck
  • 140+ Gadwall
  • 3 Teal
  • 7 Shoveler
  • 11 Pochard
  • 5 Tufted duck
  • 3/4 Bittern - several sightings
  • 5 Little egret
  • 3 Grey heron
  • 6 Little grebe
  • 4 Great crested grebe - plus 2 young
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 5 Buzzard
  • 1 Kestrel - hunting on St Caths Field
  • Hobby - Loversall Carr Fields
  • 1 Water Rail - Loversall Pool
  • Avocet - flew between Huxter Well Marsh and the iPort lakes, using West Scrape for food provisioning
  • 2 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 52 Lapwing - including a pair taking new young to West Scrape
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Redshank - and 4 young on West Scrape
  • 2 Lesser black-backed gull
  • 1 Stock dove - flew towards St Caths field trees several times
  • 2 Great spotted woodpecker - one on Hawthorn Bank and one in Young Eaa
  • 1 Jay - Beeston Plantation
  • 2 Skylark - Central Grassland and singing on Loversall Carr Fields
  • 2 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Song thrush
  • 1 Mistle thrush - at the entrance
  • 2 Pied wagtail - an adult feeding a fledged young
  • 4 Bullfinch
  • 1 Greenfinch - car park

Other: 2 Speckled Wood butterfly and 1 rabbit

Records received from KL, MAB, BGAB, PG, DH, SB, DC, AD, VB, visitor reports 

10th June - Sunday

  • 3 Teal
  • 1 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1+ Bittern
  • 4+ Little egret
  • 2 Grey heron - in breeding plumage on Decoy Marsh
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 1 Kestrel - female at nest site
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water Rail - feeding 1 young on Loversall Pool
  • Avocet
  • 2 Lapwing - a pair still sitting at Decoy Lake
  • 5 Redshank - pair with 3 young at West Scrape
  • 10 Black-headed gull - Old Eaa, 2 nests still, one nest has one young
  • 6 Swift - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Great spotted woodpecker - one calling in Beeston Plantation, one in Loversall Delph and one calling on Low Ellers Curve
  • 2 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Blackcap - feeding fledged young near Hawthorn Field
  • 1 Pied wagtail - collecting food in front of VC
  • 1 Bullfinch - calling on Willow Bank

Other: 2 Roe deer at Piper Marsh, Fox asleep at Loversall Pool

Records received from SB, RB, SC, visitor reports 

9th June - Saturday

  • Mallard - with 10 young at Loversall Pool
  • Bittern - in flight
  • 4 Little egret
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier
  • Hobby - seen in flight together
  • 1 Water rail - young bird at Loversall Pool
  • Avocet
  • 2 Oystercatcher
  • 4 Lapwing chicks
  • Little ringed plover
  • 2 Redshank - with four young
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - access track
  • 1 Skylark - singing over Central Grassland
  • 3 Cetti's warbler

Records received from AA, MAB, HW, Aho, visitor reports

8th June - Friday

  • Bittern - seen 3 times in flight
  • 2 Little egret
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - including one seen to catch 2 young coots
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 6 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 2 Bullfinch

Records received from RP

7th June - Thursday

  • 19 Mute swan - plus 6 young
  • 32 Greylag geese
  • 31 Canada geese
  • 4 Shelduck
  • 140 Gadwall
  • 5 Teal
  • 3 Shoveler
  • 18 Pochard
  • 23 Tufted duck
  • Bittern
  • 6 Little egret
  • 5 Little grebe - plus 3 chicks on Loversall Pool
  • 5 Great crested grebe - plus 6 young in 2 broods of 3
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Buzzard
  • Hobby
  • 11 Avocet
  • 3 Oystercatcher
  • Ringed plover
  • Little ringed plover
  • 20 Lapwing - plus 2 young
  • 2 Redshank
  • 2 Stock dove
  • 1 Swift
  • 1 Jay
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • 5 Chiffchaff
  • 2 Willow warbler
  • 6 Blackcap
  • 2 Whitethroat
  • 17 Reed warbler
  • 1 Bullfinch
  • 1 Greenfinch
  • 8 Reed bunting

Records received from DB, MR, GPD and FA per Twitter 

6th June - Wednesday

  • 1+ Bittern - seen in flight from Duchess and Mitchell hides
  • 6 Little egret
  • Marsh harrier - 1 seen hunting and catching a small passerine.
  • Hobby - resting in dead tree and catching dragonflies over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • Ringed plover
  • 2 Little ringed plover
  • 4 Redshank - West Scrape

Records received from AHo 

5th June - Tuesday

  • 2 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 104 Gadwall
  • 3 Teal
  • 7 Pochard
  • 18 Tufted duck
  • 1 Pheasant - female with 5 young near the underbridge
  • 1 Cormorant - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Bittern
  • 4 Little egret
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 9 Great crested grebe - including one and 3 young
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 6 Buzzard
  • Kestrel - pair feeding young and one over St Caths Field
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 10 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 2 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 24 Lapwing
  • Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • Little ringed plover
  • 2 Redshank - adults brought 4 new young from Central Grassland to West Scrape
  • 1 Common Tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Black-headed gull -  those on the tern raft cell 1b have all gone overnight, c10 pairs with eggs or young. Two pairs are still sitting on Old Eaa
  • 6 Lesser black-backed gull
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - flew in to Black Carr Wood
  • 4 Magpie - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6 House martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Mistle thrush - calling in St Caths Field
  • 1 Pied wagtail - collecting food along the waters edge on island in front of VC
  • 1 Greenfinch - singing at entrance

Orchids: 5 Bee orchids on Willow Bank and a single Pyramidal orchid at the Reedbed Filtration Ponds, plus plenty of Southern marsh and hybrid marsh orchids at various locations and a good number of Common spotted orchids on Loversall Bank

Other: 2 Rabbits, 1 Pike (18 inches long in Mother Drain)

Records received from KL, MAB, GPD, SB, DC, SBu, IH

4th June - Monday

  • 6 Teal - West Scrape
  • 2 Shoveler - pair on West Scrape
  • Bittern - seen regularly
  • 2 Little egret
  • 3 Grey heron - including 2 juveniles on West Scrape
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2+ Buzzard - one seen to catch a vole
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 23 Lapwing - on West Scrape
  • Ringed plover
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • Common tern
  • c50 Swift - feeding low over reserve
  • 1 Jay - Hawthorn Bank
  • c10 Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Cetti's warbler - singing at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6+ Sedge warbler
  • Wren - 6 young near Tofield Hide
  • 1 Song thrush - near VC
  • 1 Bullfinch - in front of Hawthorn Bank Hide

Other: 2 Hare on Loversall Carr Fields, 4 Bee Orchid (2 Willow Bank and 2 half way along the ring main), Large Skipper along the ring main, 1 Muntjac in front of St Caths Hide

Records received from SB, RB, RP

3rd June - Sunday

  • Bittern
  • 4 Little egret
  • 4 Grey heron
  • 2 Great crested grebe - with 3 young on cell 3b
  • 3 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Buzzard - Huxter well
  • 1 Kestrel - St Cath's Field
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 5 Oystercatcher - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • Common tern
  • 2 Jay - Hawthorn Bank

Other: Several new dragonflies emerging including Black-tailed skimmer, Common darter & Banded demoiselle, Roe deer and Muntjac

Buffer Area - Carr Lodge

  • 1 Greylag goose, 7 Canada geese, 2 Barnacle geese of unknown origin, 3 Lapwing, c15 Jackdaw

Records received from AHo, AA, CCR, KH, SC

Mompha bradleyi - Another New Moth Record

I have another new moth record to report, that of Mompha bradleyi. A single example was found in a bird hide on Hawthorn Bank on 5 May but has only now been critically examined and identified. Mompha bradleyi is a very recent colonist in Yorkshire, having spread from the south. It’s a moth I was expecting to find sooner or later and its discovery came as no great surprise.

As a larva, the moth feeds on Great Willowherb. The adult moth emerges in late summer or early autumn and overwinters, re-appearing in Spring.

Mompha bradleyi is the 7th newly recorded moth species already this year. The new records keep on coming!

Ian Heppenstall

2nd June - Saturday

  • Bittern
  • 7 Little egret
  • 2 Great crested grebe - with 3 young on cell 3b
  • Black-necked grebe
  • RED KITE - (Worcestershire wildlife group)
  • Marsh harrier - one attempting to predate young Black-headed gulls
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 6 Buzzard
  • Hobby
  • 10 Avocet
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • Little ringed plover
  • 2 Redshank

Other: Fox with a vole and a mole, 3 Roe deer, 1 Black-tailed skimmer, Bee orchid - path at Central Grassland

Records received from AHo, Worcestershire wildlife group

1st June - Friday

  • 2 Mute swan - the pair on Piper Marsh have only one young left
  • 6 Shoveler - 4 males on cell 1b and a pair on West Scrape
  • Bittern - seen 3 times near Mitchell Hide
  • 5 Little egret - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Great crested grebe - with 3 new young from Tofield hide
  • Black-necked grebe
  • Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 4 Buzzard - 2 from Beeston Hide and 2 at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel - hunting over Central Grassland
  • Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - on reed edge on Loversall Pool
  • Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 5 Lapwing - West Scrape
  • 2 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • Black-headed gull - 7 chicks on the raft on cell 1b
  • 1 Jay - Hawthorn Bank
  • 5 Sand martin - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Wren - with newly fledged young near Tofield Hide
  • 2 Pied wagtail - Decoy Lake
  • 1 Bullfinch - Loversall Triangle
  • 1 Greenfinch - singing in Big Hedge
  • 4 Reed bunting - all males seen from Mitchell Hide

Butterflies: 4 Common blue - 3 Reedbed Filtration Ponds and one on Black Carr Field, 2 Large skipper - Central Grassland, 1 Orange tip

Other: good numbers of Marsh orchid at the Reedbed Filtration Ponds and on Central Grassland

Records received from SB, RB, DC

May 2018

29th May - Tuesday

  • Mute Swan - pairs with 2 young on Piper Marsh and 6 young on cell 2a
  • Canada Goose - a pair on the raft on Decoy Lake had their young rescued from the raft at the weekend, 3 young today
  • 2 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 52 Gadwall
  • 4 Shoveler
  • 8 Pochard
  • 19 Tufted duck
  • 3 Bittern
  • 4 Little egret - 2 on cell 2a and 2 on Loversall Pool
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 8 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 5 Buzzard
  • 2 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - calling on Loversall Pool
  • 3 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 5 Lapwing
  • 1 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 3 Black-tailed godwit - West Scrape
  • 1 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Stock dove - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • c50 Swift - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 BEARDED TIT - female or juv seen from Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Willow warbler - singing at Loversall pool
  • 2 Pied wagtail - Decoy Lake
  • 1 Greenfinch - singing near the VC

Other: 2 Speckled wood and a Roe Deer on Piper Marsh

Records received from KL, MAB, BGAB, HW, SB, DC, visitor reports

  • 2 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • Mallard - with 12 young on West Scrape
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 1 Little egret - West Scrape
  • 3 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 6 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Ruff - West Scrape
  • 1 Dunlin - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 6 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Cuckoo
  • 4+ Cetti's warbler
  • 3+ Garden warbler
  • 1 Sedge warbler

Butterflies: Speckled wood

Moths: Small magpie, Silver-ground carpet, Small phoenix

Dragonflies: male Hairy, Four-spotted chaser, male Black-tailed skimmer

Damselflies: Large red, Azure, Common blue, Blue-tailed

Bumblebees: Buff-tailed, Common carder, Tree

Records received from AB, AA, HW, RJS, AHo

27th May - Sunday

  • Mute swan - with 2 cygnets on Piper Marsh
  • Mallard - with 10 young at Loversall Pool
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 3 Little egret - Loversall Pool
  • 4 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 4 Buzzard - up together over Piper Marsh
  • 2 Kestrel
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • Coot - with young at Loversall Pool
  • 4 Avocet
  • 2 Lapwing - Loversall Pool
  • 1 Oystercatcher - West scrape
  • 1 Redshank

Damselflies: Banded demoiselle, Large red damselfly

Butterflies: Peacock, Green-veined white

Other: Fox, Poplar hawk-moth, Grass snake, Smooth and Great crested newts, The drinker (moth caterpillar), Cinnabar (adult), Roe deer, Rabbit, Common stretch spider, Zebra spider, Nursery web spider, Red-and-black froghopper, Red-headed cardinal beetle

Records received from AHo, PN, PL, MR, D&AP

26th May - Saturday

  • Mute swan - with 7 cygnets East Scrape
  • 4 Little egret - Loversall Pool
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2 Hobby - catching dragonflies over Huxter well marsh
  • 7 Avocet
  • 2 Oystercatcher - West scrape
  • 1 Redshank

Other: Fox - St Catherine's Field

Records received from AHo

24th May - Thursday

  • 19 Mute Swan - and 7 young
  • 17 Greylag geese
  • 4 Canada geese
  • 64 Gadwall
  • 3 Teal
  • 3 Shoveler
  • 38 Pochard
  • 21 Tufted duck
  • 1 Bittern
  • 4 Little egret
  • 3 Little grebe
  • 4 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 2 Hobby
  • 1 Water rail - from Beeston Hide
  • 4 Avocet
  • 1 Oystercatcher
  • 1 Redshank
  • 40+ Swift
  • 1 Jay
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • 5 Chiffchaff
  • 2 Willow warbler
  • 10 Blackcap
  • 5 Whitethroat
  • 11 Reed warbler
  • 3 Reed bunting

Butterflies: 4 Speckled wood

Records received from DB  

23rd May - Wednesday

  • 7 Little egret
  • 2 Grey heron
  • 2 Marsh harrier

Butterflies: 2 Comma, 2m 1f Orange tip, 2f Brimstone, 1 Peacock, 4 Speckled wood, 1 Green-veined white, 1 Brown argus

Moths: Treble-bar moth, Silver-ground carpet moth, 10+ Small-china mark

Dragonflies/Damselflies: female Hairy hawker, 2 Banded demoiselle

Other: a swimming Fox

Records received from L&GB 

22nd May - Tuesday

  • 2 Mute swan - with 7 young on cell 4
  • 1 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 56 Gadwall
  • 3 Shoveler
  • 13 Pochard
  • 9 Tufted duck
  • 5 Little egret - Loversall pool
  • 6 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 1 Sparrowhawk - over Piper Marsh
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 6 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 4 Lapwing - and 1 young on West Scrape
  • 2 Oystercatcher - West Scrape
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker
  • 100+ Swift - present all day but possibly some movement
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 2 Willow warbler - one near dragonfly ponds and one at Piper Marsh Scrub
  • 3 Pied wagtail - 2 at West Scrape and one at Decoy lake

Butterflies: 4 Speckled wood 1 Small tortoiseshell 2 Orange tip

Other: Roe deer, Water vole in Division Drain

Records received from KL, MAB, RCC, SB, DC, visitor reports 

21st May - Monday

  • 2 Cuckoo - one calling beyond Rossington Bank and one around Willow Pool

Butterflies: Orange tip, Brimstone, Speckled wood

Moths: Cinnabar

Dragonflies: Four-spotted chaser

Bugs: Blackspotted pliers support beetle, Thistle tortoise beetle, Alder beetles, Red-headed cardinal beetle, Alder fly, Flesh-fly, Zebra spider, Common stretch spider

Records received from DP

20th May - Sunday (includes WeBS count)

  • 21 Mute Swan
  • 13 Canada geese
  • 58 Gadwall
  • 37 Mallard - also 8 young on Loversall Pool
  • 2 Shoveler - Piper Marsh. Unusually scarce.
  • 25 Pochard
  • 36 Tufted duck
  • 1 Cormorant
  • 2 Bittern - one booming and one flying
  • 5 Little egret
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 18 Little grebe
  • 12 Great crested grebe
  • 5 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 4 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - hunting dragonflies at Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water rail - Willow Marsh
  • 5 Moorhen
  • 65 Coot
  • 6 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 3 Oystercatcher
  • 15 Lapwing - also a chick
  • 1 Ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • Black-headed gull - all nests have been abandoned except for 11 on cell 1b and 2 on Old Eaa
  • 1 Common tern - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Cuckoo - calling early morning in the East Scrape area
  • 7 Swift - high up over the reserve
  • 1 Jay - over Piper Marsh
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Treecreeper - Access Track
  • 1 Song thrush - singing behind VC
  • 1 Pied wagtail
  • 1 Bullfinch - near the compound

Dragonflies/Damselflies: dozens of Four-spotted chasers, one Broad-bodied chaser, one Hairy dragonfly, lots of Large red, Azure & Blue-tailed damselflies with Emeralds starting to show

Other: 2 Fox, 7 Roe deer

Records received from SB, DC, RB, SBu, SC, JK, SR, AA, AHo, MR

19th May - Saturday

  • 2 Shelduck - pair at West Scrape
  • 4 Shoveler - pairs on Piper Marsh and cell 1b
  • 1 Bittern - booming occasionally
  • 2 Little egret - Loversall pool
  • 3 Grey heron
  • 3 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 2 Buzzard - over Decoy Marsh and Seven Arches Carr
  • 2 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Water rail - one calling on Reedbed Filtration Ponds and one feeding in the channel from Beeston Hide
  • 8 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 6 Lapwing - plus one young on West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 2 Stock dove - over VC
  • 2 Cuckoo
  • 2 Swift - east
  • 1 Jay
  • 1 Swallow - north
  • 2 Sedge warbler - near Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Reed warbler - collecting nesting material in front of West Scrape Hide
  • 2 Pied wagtail - West Scrape
  • 2 Reed bunting - pair at Piper Marsh

Butterflies: Dingy skipper laying eggs at Reedbed Filtration Ponds and Common blue

Other: Grass snake in Black Carr Field, Small China-mark moth

Records received from SB, RB, HW, RBe, L&GB

18th May - Friday

  • 1 Bittern - in flight and on banking and ditch in front of Mitchell Hide
  • 2 Little egret
  • 5 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - female
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 2 Hobby
  • 8 Avocet
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Garden warbler - collecting insects in front of St Cath's Hide

Dragonflies/Damselflies: 5 Hairy hawker, 3 Broad-bodied chaser, a good emergence of 33 Four-spotted chaser, early male and female Banded demoiselle

Other: 1 Brimstone, 1 Red admiral

Records received from AHo, DW, IH, JH

17th May - Thursday

  • 8 Canada goose - pr with 4 new young on Decoy Lake and a pair at the tern raft
  • 1 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 6 Mallard - female with 5 young Piper Marsh
  • 1 Shoveler - male on West Scrape
  • 1 Little egret - flew over VC
  • 4 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - male
  • 1 Hobby - St Cath's Field
  • 1 Water rail - singing at East Scrape
  • 8 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 22 Black-headed gull - 11 pairs on the tern raft on cell 1b
  • 40 Swift - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 1 Pied wagtail - Decoy Lake
  • 1 Greenfinch - singing from song perch at the M18 end of Big Hedge
  • 1 Linnet - near Tofield Hide

Records received from DC, MR

16th May - Wednesday

  • 1 Cuckoo

Records received from PP per DC


15th May - Tuesday

  • 5 Shelduck
  • 15 Gadwall
  • Mallard - with 12 young on West Scrape
  • 1 Shoveler
  • 16 Pochard
  • 20 Tufted duck
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 2 Little egret - Loversall Pool
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 4 Little grebe
  • 5 Great crested grebe
  • 4 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Hobby - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 9 Lapwing - including 2 young on West Scrape
  • 4 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 5 Dunlin - on West Scrape early morning
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 9 Lesser black-backed gull
  • 3 Cetti's warbler

Butterflies: 7 Orange tip, 1 Peacock, 6 Speckled wood, 1 Brimstone, 1 Dingy skipper

Other: 1 Roe Deer on Piper Marsh, Broad-bodied chaser

Records received from KL, MAB

14th May - Monday

  • 2 Canada geese - with one young on East Scrape
  • 4 Mallard - females with 6 young on Piper Marsh, 11 and 5 young on West Scrape and 10 young on Loversall Pool
  • 10 Pochard - cell 2a, 8 males and 2 females
  • 2 Bittern - one booming
  • 3 Little egret - Loversall Pool
  • 1 Grey heron - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 8 Great crested grebe - cell 1b
  • 5 Black-necked grebe
  • 3 Marsh harrier - male and 2 females
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 2 Buzzard - over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Hobby - catching dragonflies most of the day over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Water rail - calling on East Scrape
  • 8 Avocet - West Scrape, one had colour rings
  • 3 Lapwing - a pair brought 2 young on to West Scrape at midday plus the one from yesterday
  • 1 Ringed plover - on West Scrape early morning
  • 6 Dunlin - on West Scrape early morning
  • 1 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 2 Lesser black-backed gull - Decoy Lake
  • 1 Blue tit - nest box has an incredible 18 eggs!!
  • 6 Cetti's warbler - singing
  • 1 Pied wagtail - West Scrape

Other: 2 Brown hare, Hairy dragonfly egg-laying at Loversall Delph

Records received from SB, RB, MR, NN, AHo

13th May - Sunday

  • 1 GARGANEY - male on West Scrape
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 4 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 6 Avocet - including the French ringed bird
  • 2 Oystercatcher
  • 1 Lapwing chick
  • 7 Dunlin
  • 1 Redshank

Dragonflies: 3 Four-spotted chaser, 1 Hairy dragonfly

Other: 2 Fox, 1 Roe deer

Records received from SC, AHo

12th May - Saturday

  • 2 Bittern - both booming
  • 5 Black-necked grebe - visitor report
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 3 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Oystercatcher - over
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape

Records received from AHo

11th May - Friday

  • 2 Shelduck – pair on West Scrape
  • 8 Mallard – ducklings West Scrape
  • 3 Shoveler – pair on Piper Marsh and male on West Scrape
  • 5 Pochard – Piper Marsh
  • 5 Cormorant – cell 1b
  • 2 Little egret – St Cath's Field
  • 3 Marsh harrier – male and 2 females
  • 1 Sparrowhawk – Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Buzzard – over Piper Marsh
  • 1 Kestrel – near VC
  • 2 Hobby – Hawking over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Avocet – West Scrape
  • 2 Lapwing – singles on West Scrape and Central Grassland
  • 1 Redshank – West Scrape
  • 20 Black-headed gull – ten pairs on tern raft on cell 1b
  • 1 Lesser black-backed gull - imm. took a duckling
  • 2 Stock dove – over
  • 40+ Swift – over Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Jackdaw – West Scrape
  • 1 Sedge warbler – singing in ring main reeds
  • 1 Reed warbler – singing in ring main reeds
  • 30+ Starling – feeding flock on Central Grassland, 1 carried food towards Bessacarr
  • 1 Pied wagtail – West Scrape

Dragonflies: 3 Four-spotted chaser

Records received from DC, SB, RB

10th May - Thursday

  • 2 Shelduck
  • 2 Shoveler
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 1 Heron
  • 8 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 3 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 5 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 3 Avocet
  • 1 Redshank
  • 20+ Swift
  • 3 Cetti's warbler
  • 6 Chiffchaff
  • 3 Willow warbler
  • 6 Blackcap
  • 2 Whitethroat
  • 8 Reed warbler
  • 2 Reed bunting

Other: Great crested newt on path near dipping ponds, Common blue damselfly, Broad-bodied chaser

Records received from DB, ADr, AD, visitor reports

9th May - Wednesday

  • 1 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • Mallard - female with 12 young on West Scrape
  • 1 Teal - male on West Scrape
  • 1 GARGANEY - male arrived on West Scrape at 7.45am with the Teal
  • 9 Pochard - 8m and 1f on cell 1b
  • 1 Goosander - a late male flew west
  • 1+ Bittern - booming
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier - cc
  • 2 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 1 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 11 Lesser black-backed gull - cell 1b
  • 3 Herring gull - (one with yellow legs) cell 1b
  • 1 Great black-backed gull - cell 1b
  • 7 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Mistle thrush - St Caths Field

Other: Fox in front of Mitchell Hide

Records received from RJS, AD

8th May - Tuesday

  • 3 Egyptian geese - over
  • 2 Shelduck - West Scrape
  • 7 Gadwall
  • 1 Teal - male on cell 2a
  • 28 Pochard
  • 13 Tufted duck
  • 2 Bittern
  • 1 Little egret - St Catherines Field
  • 1 Grey heron
  • 6 Little grebe
  • 6 Great crested grebe
  • 3 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 3 Buzzard
  • 1 Hobby - Huxter Well Marsh
  • 5 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 4 Lapwing
  • 1 Little ringed plover - West Scrape
  • 1 Dunlin - flew over cell 1b
  • 1 WOOD SANDPIPER - West Scrape (MAB et al)
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • Black-headed gull - only c30 nests
  • 6 Lesser black-backed gull - cell 1b
  • 2 Herring gull - cell 1b
  • 20 Swift
  • 1 Willow tit - Willow Pool
  • 2 Skylark - singing on Grassy Knoll
  • 5 Cetti's warbler
  • 3 Song thrush - 2 just fledged near Piper Marsh hide
  • 2 Linnet - near Tofield Hide

Butterflies: 20+ Orange tip, 4 Brimstone, 3 Comma, 1 Peacock, 3 Common blue, 10 Speckled wood, Large whites and Small whites

Dragonflies: 1 Four-spotted chaser and 2 Hairy dragonfly at Loversall Delph 

Other: 3 Hornets (all queens) compound, cell 2b and Old Eaa, Muntjac in Black Carr Field

Records received from KL, MAB, GD, SB, DC, MB, DW, RM, DP, Tuesday Volunteer Team

Ringing Recovery

Details have just been received of the colour-ringed Common sandpiper seen on 24th June 2017. The bird was ringed at Corn Close, near Sedbergh, Cumbria on 3rd May 2017. Click here for full details.

6th May - Sunday

  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Sparrowhawk
  • 1 Buzzard
  • 1 Kestrel
  • 1 Avocet
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 4+ Garden warbler
  • 1 Wheatear - female on Black Carr Field
  • 1 Linnet - near Tofield Hide

Dragonflies/Damselflies: 1 Hairy dragonfly in Loversall Field, 4 Azure damselfly, c30 Large red damselfly

Butterflies: 4 Brimstone, 2 Large white, 15 Small/Green-veined white, 14 Orange tip, 1 Holly blue, 1 Comma, 7 Peacock, 7 Speckled wood

Records received from SC, MR, DW, visitor reports per AW

5th May - Saturday

  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 2 Little egret
  • 2 Marsh harrier
  • 1 OSPREY - flew over at 1.15pm
  • 1 Avocet - West Scrape
  • 1 Common sandpiper - West Scrape
  • 3 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 1 Kingfisher

Other: Grass snake, 2 Roe deer, Fox

Records received from AHo, visitor reports per AW

4th May - Friday

  • 4 Shelduck- West Scrape
  • 2 Bittern - male on West Scrape and one booming on Huxter Well Marsh
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - female and cc
  • 2 Hobby
  • 8+ Whitethroat

Butterflies: Speckled wood, Orange tip, Peacock and Green-veined white

Other: Grass snake crossed the channel in front of Beeston Hide, Large red damselfly near Tofield hide

Records received from AD, AHo

3rd May - Thursday

  • 4 Shelduck
  • 1 Bittern - booming
  • 1 Little egret
  • 6 Great crested grebe - including a pair displaying
  • 1 Marsh harrier
  • 1 Avocet
  • 2 Redshank
  • 4 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Whitethroat
  • 2 Pied wagtail

Butterflies: 2 Orange tip, 3 Peacock

Records received from AA

1st May - Tuesday

  • 4 Shelduck
  • 18 Gadwall
  • 5 Teal
  • 2 Shoveler
  • 4 Pochard
  • 10 Tufted duck
  • 2 Bittern - including one booming
  • 1 Little egret - West Scrape
  • 9 Little grebe
  • 3 Great crested grebe
  • 2 Black-necked grebe
  • 2 Marsh harrier - male and female
  • 2 Sparrowhawk
  • 5+ Buzzard
  • 3 Lapwing
  • 2 Redshank - West Scrape
  • 3 Snipe - from Duchess Hide
  • 4 Lesser black-backed gull
  • 2 Herring gull
  • 1 Stock dove
  • c15 Swift
  • 1 Great spotted woodpecker - Black Carr Wood
  • 1 Jay - Black Carr Wood
  • c10 Sand martin
  • c8 House martin
  • 6 Cetti's warbler
  • 1 Garden warbler - near Piper Marsh Hide
  • 5+ Whitethroat
  • 1 Pied wagtail - over VC
  • 2 Bullfinch
  • 2 Reed bunting - Seven Arches Carr

Butterflies: c25 Orange tip, 5 Speckled wood, 3 Peacock, 3 Brimstone, 2 Green-veined white, 1 Red admiral, 6 Small white

Other: Fox at Loversall Pool, 5 Roe deer

Buffer Area - Carr Lodge

  • Fox, 3 Roe deer, Grass snake, 3 Brimstone butterfly, 1 Peacock butterfly, 1 The Drinker moth caterpillar

Records received from KL, BGAB, MAB, Tuesday Volunteer Team per DP, DC, SB