Marine Pollution Pledge

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Marine Pollution Pledge

Find out how Yorkshire businesses can help stop our seas from choking!  

Yorkshire businesses can help to save our seas

Welcome to our Marine Pollution Pledge. Here you can find information about the impacts of marine pollution and what Yorkshire businesses can do to help. We all have our role to play in turning the tide on marine pollution - and businesses can have a huge impact.

Sign up below to receive checklists, resources, incentives and personalised support from our expert marine team.

If you decide to take action to help save our seas, we will provide you with a certificate and logo so you can spread the word! 

The problem What's in it for you? Sign up

Hannah Emmerson

Find out how a new coastal business in Yorkshire is becoming more eco-friendly

Read now

What's the problem?

Our ocean provides over half of the world’s oxygen and absorb 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. It provides us with multiple resources including recreation, tourism, aggregates, fuels, renewable energy and food products.

However these resources won't be there forever. 

Yorkshire’s wildlife is also under threat - every day we see the shocking impact of human activity on our seas. Tiny microplastics and tangles of deadly rubbish are polluting our beaches and choking our wildlife. Agricultural runoff, pesticides and untreated sewage fill our seas with toxic chemicals.

Our wild creatures, from tiny crabs to majestic whales, suffer stomachs blocked with plastic and chemical filled waters.

Yorkshire is not exempt. Approximately 20,000 tonnes of waste is dumped annually in the North Sea - that is the equivalent weight of 130 blue whales! 

Oil pollution

Oil is regularly carried out to sea via runoff from roads, rivers and drainpipes

Underwater image of Plastic Pollution in the Ocean

300 million tons of plastic is created annually, and 50% is single use only

Hundreds of fish in a net

By 2050, ocean plastic could outweigh all the ocean's fish

Gannet entangled in plastic

Plastic causes the deaths of more than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals every year

What's in it for you?

Sign up to the marine pollution pledge and find out how your business and our seas could benefit. 

Attract eco-friendly customers

88% of consumers want brands to help them live a more sustainable lifestyle and often spread the word when they find them. 

Attract more tourists

No one wants to visit a place that is covered in rubbish and plastic. 

Grow your business' reputation

Green credentials result in great publicity and we can help with that. When you take our Marine Pollution Pledge, we advertise it far and wide using our numerous communication channels. 

Save money

Reusable items can often be more cost effective in the long term than single use ones and you may even reduce your waste disposal costs.

Incentives from us

After you sign up, we will provide you with a variety of incentives including discounts on events, signs, posters and much more. 

We are here to help

After signing up to our Marine Pollution Pledge, our knowledgeable marine team will be with you every step of the way. Together we will discuss what is realistic for your business and how you can achieve it. 

Reusable plastic cups

88% of consumers want brands to help them live a more sustainable lifestyle

Sign up!

Businesses have an opportunity to help make the drastic cultural changes needed to reverse the current marine pollution crises, so our seas have the time and space to recover and thrive once again. 

We would like to see businesses in Yorkshire identify how they can help reduce marine pollution and pledge support for our seas and their long-term health.

Sign up below to receive checklists, resources, incentives and personalised support from our dedicated marine team!

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To receive information about the Marine Pollution Pledge, you’ll need to opt-in above. You can update your contact preferences at any time by contacting us at For further details on how we securely use your data, visit