Foss Catchment Project

A sunny day over looking part of the Foss

Foss Catchment Project

Foss Catchment Revival: Nature, Water, Community

The Foss Catchment Project (FCP) is a partnership project with the long-term aims of improving water quality by reducing the amount of sediment and pollution entering the watercourse, as well as mitigating flood risk throughout the Foss catchment and improving habitat for the River Foss wildlife.

The catchment-based approach holds people at the heart of the restoration and conservation of river habitats. We want to work together to make the nature around us wilder.
Monika Smieja - River Restoration Project Officer
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Everything you need to know

Where is the River Foss?

The Foss is a large tributary of the River Ouse, starting as a spring near Oulston Reservoir before flowing south through the Vale of York and joining the Ouse in York city centre. Foss catchment includes 6 water bodies (Fig.1). To the north of the catchment, the river runs through largely rural agricultural land, while to the south this becomes a more urbanised landscape, particularly as the river passes through York.

What are the issues?

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) sets out targets for water quality in all UK rivers to reach a ‘good’ ecological status– the Foss is currently not achieving this, therefore improvements need to be made for water quality within the catchment. YWT carried out walkover surveys on around 72km of the Foss Catchment watercourse and the main issues identified are:

Excess sediment

Sediment is an important part of a healthy river environment. However, excess sediment generated by human pressures can cause problems. In the River Foss catchment, precipitation drains overland carrying sediment, which then settles out clogging road gullies and building up within a watercourse. This results in less space for water within the river cross-section, which can lead to an increased risk of flooding downstream and increased risk of surface water flooding.

The River Foss responds fairly quickly to heavy rainfall events, therefore higher levels of sediment within the watercourse further worsens the issue. Sediment accumulation also has a negative impact on aquatic habitats and wildlife – for example, finer silts can fill up the spaces between gravels in riverbeds, preventing fish spawning and egg survival.


Some nutrients and chemicals ‘stick’ to soil particles, meaning pollutants can be transported into watercourses by sediment from surrounding land. This often happens during rainfall events when soil is washed off slopes and into rivers and is a particular issue towards the north of the Foss catchment. In the south of the catchment where land use is more urban, pollution mainly comes from sewage discharge directly into the river.

Project aims

FCP’s ambition is to become a joint effort and across-catchment collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders such as:

  • Landowners
  • Land managers
  • Farmers
  • Local communities
  • North Yorkshire Council
  • North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Partnership
  • Environment Agency
  • St Nicks
  • River Foss Society
  • York St John University
  • University of York
  • City of York Council
  • Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust
  • Natural England Freshwater Habitats Trust
  • Foss IDB
  • National Farmers Union.

Improving water quality, improving riparian habitat and mitigating flood risk throughout the Foss catchment can be achieved through Natural Flood Management (NFM, Fig.2). This management practise complements other flood management approaches and involves working across the landscape to protect, restore and mimic the natural hydrological processes that occur. 

The primary functions of NFM are: holding back sediments, storing water, slowing the flow of the water and increase infiltration. Additionally, NFM provides co-benefits such as habitat creation, biodiversity enhancement, soil improvement and retention, water quality improvement, carbon storage, and boosting the local economy through recreation and tourism. The FCP takes a catchment-based approach, meaning a whole catchment view of the issues and remedies is taken into consideration.

A diagram showing natural flood management measures across a river catchment

Figure 2 Natural flood management measures across a river catchment. 

Author Emma Wren, in ‘The natural flood management manual’; Wren, 2022.

What can we offer?

We want to work collaboratively with land managers and farmers to find mutually beneficial solutions that support people's livelihoods and improve water quality, natural flood management, and the River Foss wildlife.

We aim to work with local communities and land managers to create personalized strategies based on individual needs and local environmental conditions.

YWT can offer a wide range of natural flood management* (NFM) solutions, which recreate natural processes and remedy the imbalance within a river basin such as:

  • Tree planting
  • Creating and increasing buffer strips
  • Hedge planting
  • Aquatic vegetation planting
  • Creating drinking points for livestock
  • Installing new fencing
  • Creating wetland areas
  • Creating freshwater ponds
  • Controlling invasive species
  • Reprofiling riverbanks
  • Riverbank stabilization to prevent erosion
  • Introducing sediment traps
  • Creating leaky dams and ponds
  • Wildflower meadow planting
  • Creating habitat piles for insects.

Learn more about these methods here or watch the videos below.

*We would like to highlight that none of these methods will carry a risk to people’s livelihoods or increase flood risk. Natural Flood Management methods will not eliminate the incidence of flooding, but they will reduce the frequency and impacts of flooding.


© agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse / Big Bang Communication

(C) NERC science

Why you should get involved

Land managers, landowners, and farmers have an extremely important role in managing and preserving, water, and land for current and future generations. We believe local communities hold a key to understanding local environmental conditions, which alongside environmentally friendly management practices can help us protect, conserve, and restore wildlife in the River Foss Catchment, whilst managing flood risk.

Without your help, it will be extremely hard to reach the aims of this project and precious river habitats and species may be irreversibly lost.

Your livelihood always comes first. As such we want to help raise awareness of land and soil management practices that are environmentally friendly but also carry financial benefits for farmers and landowners.

It is estimated that soil erosion in the UK results in the annual loss of around 2.2m tonnes of topsoil. This costs farmers across the country £9m a year in lost production. This alongside high costs of fertilizers and loss of subsidies, puts extreme pressure on people’s livelihoods.

Let us help you, whilst taking care of our wildlife. As an incentive, we also offer advice on environmental schemes available to farmers and landowners.

Please find further information about how you can get involved and what happens if you decide to join us in our Foss River Catchment Revival information pack.

Project successes so far

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust carried out walkover surveys on around 72km of the Foss Catchment watercourse.
  • 340m of fencing has been installed to protect a section of the river from poaching
  • A storage pond has been created to catch runoff and sediment during heavy rainfall events, which also provides additional wetland habitat
  • Farmyard runoff has been prevented by installing a culverted drain beneath the yard, with a sediment trap to catch silt before it reaches the river


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) has been working on the Foss Catchment Project in partnership with North Yorkshire Council, and in 2023 YWT obtained funding from the Environment Agency to continue the work on the Foss Catchment Project for the next 3 years.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding the Foss Catchment Project or would like to get involved, please contact Monika Smieja (River Restoration Project Officer) by email: or by phone: 07721 961104.

Your livelihood comes first

We want to help raise awareness of land and soil management practices that are environmentally friendly but also carry financial benefits for farmers and landowners.

It is estimated that soil erosion in the UK results in the annual loss of around 2.2m tonnes of topsoil. This costs farmers across the country £9m a year in lost production. This (alongside high costs of fertilizers and loss of subsidies) puts extreme pressure on people’s livelihoods.

Let us help you, whilst taking care of our wildlife. As an incentive, we also offer advice on environmental schemes available to farmers and landowners.

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